Where to buy travel adapters in NYC
June 25, 2009 7:56 AM

Where to find a three-pronged British style electrical adapter plug in New York City?


I'm leaving for Tanzania tomorrow and am looking for a travel store that sells adapters in New York City. It's too late to order online. Thank you in advance!
posted by cookie googleman to Travel & Transportation (13 answers total)
Radio Shack has a set of adapters and you can return it for a refund within 30 days if you come back soon. If it's not what you wanted, of course.
posted by billtron at 8:00 AM on June 25, 2009

J&R Music World sells this Kensington Travel Adapter that I've used for a while now & I'm extremely happy with. You might be able to find it elsewhere as well, if going down to the financial district is too far.
posted by swngnmonk at 8:03 AM on June 25, 2009

You should be able to get something at the airport duty free at JFK. I bought a nice international one which I can use in 150 countries (their claim, not tested by me in all 150 ;))
posted by london302 at 8:10 AM on June 25, 2009

I recommend buying at the airport. We bought ours at Radio Shack before we left and spent more than we would have in Philly.
posted by theichibun at 8:12 AM on June 25, 2009

J&R has them for pretty cheap. I was just there yesterday.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 8:17 AM on June 25, 2009

I've had success at Radio Shack as well.
posted by gushn at 8:51 AM on June 25, 2009

Flight 001 (in Brooklyn and Manhattan) usually has travel adapters, including some awesome Death Star looking ones that fit most any country's plugs.
posted by tip120 at 8:52 AM on June 25, 2009

Another vote for the airport, saves you having to go out of your way. I have this natty green one with four sliding prong variants on one side and multiple set ups for taking prong variants on the other side. I recommend it.
posted by biffa at 9:58 AM on June 25, 2009

You could try a Duane Reade.
posted by dabug at 11:09 AM on June 25, 2009

Best Buys also sell these.
posted by hiteleven at 12:48 PM on June 25, 2009

Warning: make sure the device you plug into the wall won't melt or burn when fed 220V.

I have a variation of that Kensington one above with multiple sliders for different prong sets. It came from some (now probably defunct) large computer store in NJ. Recommended.
posted by genghis at 7:04 AM on June 26, 2009

Radio Shack has them but they're expensive. Cheapest place I have ever found them in person is at Target, in the travel section (usually by luggage and sporting goods).
posted by Polychrome at 9:58 AM on June 26, 2009

Note that the thing at Target is just the adaptor and not a transformer--if you need to change the voltage you'll have to go to an electronics store (Radio Shack, Best Buy, etc) and those will cost a lot more.
posted by Polychrome at 9:59 AM on June 26, 2009

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