Kitty Home Alone
June 22, 2009 9:48 AM

How do I keep my kitten comfortable when I'm on vacation?

My wife and I are going on a road trip for 5 days. We have a 3 1/2 month old kitten. We have people who are going to feed her, play with her, etc., while we are gone, but what else can we do so she's not so lonely?

We thought of boarding her, but we think she'd be more comfortable at home in a familiar setting. Thanks!
posted by elder18 to Pets & Animals (9 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Leave her some t-shirts or other items you have slept in so they smell like you.
posted by ShadePlant at 9:50 AM on June 22, 2009

we often leave classical music playing softly; it's supposed to be calming for the cat.
posted by countingaugust at 9:55 AM on June 22, 2009

Leave a radio on, preferably a talk radio station, at low volume. For some reason, my cats found this reassuring -- the hum of human voices seems to be calming if there isn't an actual person around all day.
posted by vickyverky at 9:55 AM on June 22, 2009

I used to worry about that but realize that in reality the kitten is probably enjoying some of the peace and quiet without the humans around. Just make sure kitty is well fed and her litter box is clean and everything will be ok.
posted by birdherder at 10:07 AM on June 22, 2009

Seconding leaving the radio on (low) for her. Also, make sure the people who come to take care of her are really going to play for a while, not just dump some food and leave (unless she's very shy and won't come out for strangers in the house, in which case having them stay around would probably be more stressful to her). I've cat-sat for young kittens before, and always hung out for at least an hour to play, pet, and snuggle.
posted by LolaGeek at 10:16 AM on June 22, 2009

Mine is/was always happy to have a favorite sweatshirt or something of mine to sit on and sniff while I'm away. She'll probably just nap a lot and be happy to see you when you get home.
posted by BlooPen at 11:09 AM on June 22, 2009

We put timers on our lights so our kitties wouldn't be in complete darkness all the time at night.
posted by Kimberly at 11:35 AM on June 22, 2009

I sort of "hid" some treats and catnip toys in high (but not dangerous) places where kitty might find them by accident or if exploring on a boring day. (I bet kitty found them all in the first hour I was gone).
posted by Jason and Laszlo at 11:53 AM on June 22, 2009

We put timers on our lights so our kitties wouldn't be in complete darkness all the time at night.

Does this really matter, or is it anthropomorphizing?

(For the record, it's my husband who says that cats are perfectly equipped--and happy--to be in the dark and me who wants to leave lights on for them, so I'm not trying to be a snot.)
posted by dlugoczaj at 11:59 AM on June 22, 2009

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