Where did the Honest Scrap Award originate?
May 26, 2009 8:40 PM   Subscribe

A group of East African bloggers I follow have recently begun circulating the Honest Scrap Award — a sort of informal bloggers' award-slash-meme — among themselves. I thought they had created it, but a quick Google search shows that it's been around since at least December of 2008. Does anyone know where or why it started?
posted by rebekah to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Hmm - can you give a little more information on the East African bloggers in question so that we can understand the context a bit better?
posted by allkindsoftime at 12:11 AM on May 27, 2009

Response by poster: My question isn't so much about the bloggers (I've traced the path back to bloggers in other countries/on other continents) as it is about the origins of the award. Examples of bloggers who've received it are here, here and here (pretty diverse, as far as I can tell), and Google's turning up over 300,000 results.

I'm just trying to find out who started it.
posted by rebekah at 10:39 AM on May 27, 2009

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