Trojan Virus
May 14, 2009 10:10 AM

Trojan Virus Attack

I have Norton Antivirus 2009, today I received a notification that I have a Trojan.Brisv.A!inf virus. After trying several different listed ways of removing it, such as downloading a removal tool (only for it to tell me that I do not have that virus on my computer). To trying to manually remove it, only to be told it cannot be removed.

I have contact Norton support and they want to charge $100 to get a specialist to fix the problem. I do not have the money to spend on that right now. My computer is important to me and I am on a network and I do not want to infect the other computers.

So I come to you to help me. Is there any other solution to this problem that would not involve me paying a lot of money.

Someone please help!!!
posted by roxiesmom to Computers & Internet (11 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Have you tried this?
posted by zeoslap at 10:22 AM on May 14, 2009

Step 1 - disconnect from the network
Step 2 - back up your data (to a USB flash drive or external hard drive)
Step 3 - use one of the other computers on the network to check for further answers to your question. If one of them gives instructions that fix this infection, ignore Step 4.
Step 4 - follow Deezil's friend's instructions here
Step 4 (alternate) - nuke & reinstall your system
Step 5 - check the other computers on the network for infection
posted by Busy Old Fool at 10:23 AM on May 14, 2009

have you tried downloading the specific Trojan.Brisv.A!inf removal tool?
posted by mattybonez at 10:24 AM on May 14, 2009

Start your computer in Safe Mode and run a full system scan with your Norton software.
posted by IanMorr at 10:26 AM on May 14, 2009

I tried the specific trojan removal tool and it is says the virus is not on my computer. But my virus scan says that it is.
posted by roxiesmom at 10:36 AM on May 14, 2009

Try AVG. It's free for 30 day trial period. I think what you'd need to do is install this, disable Norton, run the AVG scan and see what it turns up.

Also, you might d/l and run MalWareBytes anti malware tool to find/remove viruses.

Also, SpyBot.

The forums at can help but there is a wait because it takes them, maybe a week or so to get to the new requests?

I had to deal with a trojan not long ago and a combination of these solved it, but what I also had to do was delete older system restore points because the virus was in one of those, so kept coming back..
posted by citron at 10:44 AM on May 14, 2009

The forums at TechGuy also give help and advice & will work with you to remove the virus.
posted by citron at 10:45 AM on May 14, 2009

Norton may be wrong; do you have any other reason to think you have a virus? Try a second virus scanner like AVG Free or Avast Free. Don't type any important passwords until you're sure you're clean.
posted by Nelson at 11:13 AM on May 14, 2009

2nding Malware Bytes. If you do install AVG, you need to disable or uninstall norton. If none of these things work, you need to reinstall your operating system. Good luck
posted by orville sash at 11:14 AM on May 14, 2009

Thanks Busy Old Fool. Appreciate the nod to my instructions, albeit they're really Kevin's. I'm drafting a small tweak of my own to them here soon. Think it would be handy to put it in my profile?
posted by deezil at 12:04 PM on May 14, 2009

Thirding MalWareBytes. I had something nasty on my computer a while ago that nothing seemed to fix, until I read about MalWareBytes, tried it, problem solved.

Also I cannot agree enough with getting rid of Norton. Their products stopped being useful a long, long, long time ago. AVG is free and does a fine job. Between it and MalWareBytes you should be OK.
posted by Effigy2000 at 1:40 PM on May 14, 2009

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