Heed the hat!
April 27, 2009 1:31 PM   Subscribe

What is the name of this headdress?

An where could I acquire one myself?

(I'm located in Germany)
posted by mathiu to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Looks like a straw boater to me--don't know about the oddly shaped brim, though.
posted by nasreddin at 1:35 PM on April 27, 2009

It looks like a Panama hat to me. They come in several styles.
posted by onhazier at 1:41 PM on April 27, 2009

Best answer: Here are a few hats it might be.
posted by ocherdraco at 1:44 PM on April 27, 2009

Best answer: Not a boater. Boaters have flat brims. Flat crowns, too, though it's impossible to see the top of the hat in your image, mathiu.
posted by mr_roboto at 1:46 PM on April 27, 2009

Best answer: I would call that a Sam Houston (sometimes called a Planter).
posted by bcwinters at 2:27 PM on April 27, 2009

Best answer: Yes, I would call that a Panama Planter. There's one at the bottom of this page.
posted by oneirodynia at 3:13 PM on April 27, 2009

Response by poster: Thou hat art hereby declared a Panama Planter!
posted by mathiu at 3:32 PM on April 27, 2009

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