Advice for seeing the spring cycling classics in Belgium?
November 22, 2004 1:27 PM   Subscribe

EuroCyclistFilter - I'm thinking of taking a trip to Belgium to see one (or perhaps a few) of the Spring Classics this year. Any MeFi cycling fans have advice? [MI]

I was hoping someone out there might have first hand information (favorite race to watch, best viewing locations, past experiences, nice places to grab a bite while waiting for people to pedal by, etc). Google seems to offer me nothing but tours (cycling or otherwise), which I'm not interested in. I will most likely have a rental car so I can get to places other than urban centers.
posted by monkeystronghold to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's a great experience. Just be ready for most of the other spectators not to be cyclists...
posted by ParisParamus at 2:19 PM on November 22, 2004

Were I going, I'd check out europro fan sites. David Millar's forum is active - and in English. Heck, just play dumb concerning Millar's current state of disgrace and you may even find a place to stay.
posted by rotifer at 2:35 PM on November 22, 2004

Best answer: Here's some package info, which at least gives you the routes.
If you find yourself in the countryside directly south of Brussels (near Beersel), do yourself a favor and find a tavern serving fresh lambic ale. I had the good fortune to chat with locals about cycling at this place.
posted by sixpack at 3:51 PM on November 22, 2004

Ha, sixpack, good choice. I will add another one to it, that recently reopened: 'De Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst' (The Insurance Policy against Huge Thirst), in the centre of Eizeringen (near Leefdaal). Only opened on Sundays, 11 AM to 1 PM. They are probably the only café that has all the lambics and gueuze beers (regretfully, there's not many left).
posted by NekulturnY at 12:53 AM on November 23, 2004

My only advice is to bring your bike, as cycling in Belgium (and the Netherlands) is the tops.
posted by phrontist at 6:10 AM on November 23, 2004

About the 'Verzekering': a review is here.
posted by NekulturnY at 6:55 AM on November 23, 2004

Best answer: The Tour of Flanders would be pretty good. You can ride all or parts of the course the day ahead as part of a cyclotourist event as well.
posted by Icky at 3:43 PM on December 1, 2004

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