Rock voice lessons in Western MA.
April 2, 2009 3:39 PM   Subscribe

Rock voice lessons in Western MA.

My mom has been saying that she wants to get singing lessons for a long time, so I'm looking to get her a starting lesson or two for her birthday.

I'll probably do the first couple sessions with her, either serially or together. We're both into 90's and 2000's indie and alternative (Radiohead, Arcade Fire, My Bloody Valentine, etc.) though her tastes range into loathsome adult alternative like Sarah McLachlan and Dave Matthews Band as well (the subject of much teasing by me). All the people I've been able to find so far are either teaching the wrong tradition (classical or jazz) or their background is in evil genres like New Age and commercial R&B.

She's a complete musical neophyte, barring lessons in high school that she's totally forgotten, while I'm musically literate, have decent relative pitch, etc.

We're in the Pioneer Valley, but I guess we'd be willing to travel for up to an hour. Any suggestions?
posted by abcde to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total)
Best answer: Check out the Institute for Musical Arts in Goshen. I don't know if they offer individual lessons or just the larger group programs, but they're super friendly, and very awesome. IMA was co-founded by June Millington, who was in one of the very first all-female rock bands.
posted by spinturtle at 6:13 PM on April 2, 2009

Response by poster: OK, wow, that's 8 minutes from her house. Definitely worth checking out--thanks.
posted by abcde at 6:37 PM on April 2, 2009

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