How can i view an image file with a .tbn extension?
April 2, 2009 10:16 AM   Subscribe

How can i view an image file with a .tbn extension?

I am using the open source media center Boxee for my movie and TV shows.

The first problem is that when Boxee indexes a movie it automatically searches and for information related to the title and for the artwork. The artwork is then stored in a file as a .tbn file extension. Most often this works perfectly, however sometimes it fails miserably and gives me the wrong artwork or a foreign version.

This is simply a .jpg, .png, or .gif saved in the .tbn file format for use with the Boxee framework. XMBC uses it as well.

The second problem is that it saves the artwork it an unrecognizable way. Such as the artwork for "The Dark Knight" will be saved as "9d68f9c2.tbn". Stupid right?

Now I have found a script that I can run that will tell me which movie corresponds with which .tbn file but it can only do one at a time and then I have to close the script and open it again. While this works it is painfully slow.

So what I am looking for is a program that will allow me to view a .tbn file extension. I am not looking to be able to edit or convert them just to view the artwork.

BTW. I am running Windows XP.
posted by ndillon to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
I remember using ACDSee 2.4 for something like that. Just deselect "Hide Non-Images" in the View Menu and it should try to show images even if they don't have a recognizable file extension.
posted by Memo at 10:25 AM on April 2, 2009 should do it.
posted by kdar at 10:25 AM on April 2, 2009

Best answer: I posted too soon.

.tbn is just an extension; it has nothing to do with the file type. They are JPGs, GIFs, or whatever; XBMC and Boxee just want a strange file extension for some reason. You could associate .tbn with another program so that it opens them without having to monkey around with anything manually. Try opening them up in a web browser or whatever your favorite image viewing program is.
posted by kdar at 10:28 AM on April 2, 2009

Response by poster: Ok now i feel really dumb. I did not even think to try and use Firefox to try to open the file. And of course it works.

I am going to go bang my head on the desk for a little while now. Thanks
posted by ndillon at 10:40 AM on April 2, 2009

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