Advice on foot problems.
March 29, 2009 5:11 PM   Subscribe

My feet are killing me. Are orthopedic shoes the answer? - the only answer?

Several years ago the balls of my feet started becoming increasingly sensitive - the would go numb if I wore hard-soled shoes (e.g, hiking boots, typical dress shoes) or walked barefoot on a hard surface. Some mild permanent numbness has developed in one foot. Well cushioned shoes (Merrell jungle mocs, New Balance walking shoes) are okay if worn with New Balance pressure relief insoles plus a glued-on pad in the metatarsal area behind the ball of the foot. A podiatrist says its because my toes curl - hammer toe - so they don't take enough load when walking. Are orthopedic shoes the answer or the only answer? Will I ever wear sandals or hiking boots again? Anyone have a similar condition? Walking is my favorite activity, so I'm desperate.
posted by Jackson to Health & Fitness (11 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I've always had trouble with shoes. My feet would always be sore after long walks, jogs, or any activity. I did not think much of it till I joined track and would get sore feet and shin splints(deep pain in your shins). So I looked online and found out about Nike Free shoes.

They are hard to find in stores now a days but when I switched to them my feet started being extra sore but over time they became the most comfortable shoes I've ever had.

They are basically socks with rubber soles and you basically feel everything that happens under your foot. Now there is no ankle support or anything and if your willing to give them a shot they may help you out. I'm 20 years old so it may be your feet are just too old to learn a new way to walk.

Good luck!!
posted by peregrine81 at 5:42 PM on March 29, 2009


But are you overweight? Are you wearing tight fitting shoes (might cause the toe curvature)?

Also I'm seconding the barefoot approach a la Vibram Fivefingers or Vivo Barefoot, but you'll have to learn how to walk differently.

Look into fox walking, instead of slamming your feet into the ground, you take gentle rolling steps.

It will be extremely uncomfortable at first, but it'll become natural. My feet never has been stronger nor injury free.
posted by pakoothefakoo at 6:10 PM on March 29, 2009

IANAP either, but my wife has problematic feet. She had custom orthopedic insoles made, and they slip into any pair of shoes that have removable factory insoles. Not all shoes have removable insoles so her choices are limited, but not terribly so.
posted by jon1270 at 6:18 PM on March 29, 2009

Seeing a podiatrist changed my life for the better. I have lousy feet, but I love to walk miles a day. I can do this again if I wear orthotics, or extremely well fitting shoes.

Please do see a podiatrist, though, not a chiropractor. You need to find someone good to fit you with proper orthotics.

Yes, you will be able to wear hiking boots (actually, they're the best, so you'll learn to love them), and sandals, provided they are supportive, or that you're not going to wear them for long.

One last thing. Stress exacerbates foot pain. Please do get orthotics (they rock!), but also think about what stress may be making things worse.
posted by gesamtkunstwerk at 7:34 PM on March 29, 2009

Back to your question (sorry I didn't read it all the way through before answering). You do not necessarily need custom fitted shows. Most often you will get insets that you can take to the show store and use to select shoes that will fit you. You will need to experiment, but that's a small price to pay.

As for sandals-- the best thing to do is have them made at your podiatrists.

I hope you do try it. It's made a world of difference to me. I absolutely love to walk, and now I can do as much walking as I want, provided I have the right shoes.
posted by gesamtkunstwerk at 7:38 PM on March 29, 2009

My husband wears orthotics in normal shoes. Did you talk about this with the podiatrist? As others have said, there are intermediate stages between "running around in Elton John platforms" and "old-person prescription shoes".
posted by Sidhedevil at 8:53 PM on March 29, 2009

Try calf stretches too, they really helped me with some feet issues last year.
posted by backwards guitar at 6:21 AM on March 30, 2009

I saw a huge improvement in my feet and back when I started wearing FitFlops about a year and a half ago. The different balance that you have, to simulate walking barefoot, takes some of the pressure off the trouble spots. I'm also interested in trying MBTs, but haven't coughed up the cash yet--they're pretty pricey!
posted by lily_bart at 7:12 AM on March 30, 2009

Never could afford orthotics, or see how they'd deal with my ball-of-foot sensitivity (leather soles, hard floors, crouching on tiptoes are all murder on my feet) but I've had great results (both preventative and healing) from real sheepskin insoles, like these. When that's too hot, I revert to Tevas with soft footbeds; the cheapo ones don't work.
posted by dpcoffin at 10:45 AM on March 30, 2009

I bought a pair of Superfeet after seeing them referenced here previously. I know have a pair for almost every pair of shoes I routinely wear. You can swap one set into most shoes, but I am lazy, so have fitted the green, blue, and orange ones into various shoes, based on how much room the shoe has for the insert. I can walk again, and night cramps are *way* down.
posted by cairnish at 2:06 PM on March 30, 2009

I too bought some Superfeet after seeing them referenced here. I thought they were awesome . . . until I discovered the store brand orthotics at the Walking Company. I'm telling you, I almost kissed the salesman who sold them to me. Before Walking Company orthotics: shooting pain in balls of feet, aching arches, some days barely able to walk two blocks. After Walking Company orthotics: Stood on my feet for eleven hours straight at Obama inauguration without pain, regularly walk for miles with my dogs--basically the only time my feet are ever in pain now is when I'm walking around the house barefoot.
posted by HotToddy at 8:21 PM on March 30, 2009

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