Romantic Phrase for Catan Nerd Love
March 26, 2009 11:12 AM

Where can I buy and get engraved a silver hexagon pendant online, and what romantic Settlers-of-Catan-related phrase should I engrave on the back?

My economy-minded wife has imposed a price limit on her birthday present and so I want to get her something small and romantic. We've been really into Settlers of Catan for a while so I thought about getting her a silver hexagon pendant that looks simple and innocuous from the front but then put something Catan-related on the back.

It's surprisingly difficult to find somewhere to buy a sterling silver hexagon pendant online. It might be because those medical alert pendants with the Caduceus on them are hexagonal and they don't want to confuse people. But I've been looking online forever and I can't find any - can anyone help?

Second - what's a good romantic line to put on the back? So far, my favorite is "I wouldn't trade you for anything" which is good but not great. It does, however, come out ahead of anything that uses "wood" as a euphemism for my penis. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
posted by pokeydonut to Shopping (16 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Yeah, comments about a "wood port" are probably not the way to go here.

"I'd build the longest road, as long as it led me to you"
"I'd fight the largest army to be with you"
"You've got a monopoly on my heart"
posted by chrisamiller at 11:15 AM on March 26, 2009

Perhaps something about the bandit and her stealing your heart?
posted by FritoKAL at 11:23 AM on March 26, 2009

The most prominent copy on the box reads: "A Game of Discovery, Settlement and Trade."

If that doesn't describe marriage, I don't know what does.
posted by etc. at 11:25 AM on March 26, 2009

Corny perhaps, but:

"Every year with you is a Year of Plenty"
posted by explosion at 11:30 AM on March 26, 2009

My husband suggests "Let's walk the longest road together."

Sadly, all I can think of are inappropriate comments about sheep.
posted by tomatofruit at 11:34 AM on March 26, 2009

Marrying you? Best. 2:1 port. Ever.
posted by speedo at 11:37 AM on March 26, 2009 Alchemy?
posted by at 11:44 AM on March 26, 2009

A replica of a Port tile, with a heart as the resource?

Seconding that this is exactly the kind of thing Etsy Alchemy was made for.
posted by Tomorrowful at 11:53 AM on March 26, 2009

This site has a hexagon charm in gold, but it's pretty pricey.
posted by cider at 12:09 PM on March 26, 2009

Similarly, these are much cheaper, but are unlikely to be made of silver.
posted by cider at 12:13 PM on March 26, 2009

cider: it's labeled as a hexagon, but the picture is of an octagon.

Save the world, become a middle-school geometry teacher.
posted by amtho at 12:17 PM on March 26, 2009

Here. And here's a link to a bracelet I found if the charm I linked doesn't suit your needs.
posted by pghjezebel at 12:18 PM on March 26, 2009

My response was to cider's first link, but incredibly, it applies to the second link too.

I do not fault cider; both sites claim that they are selling hexagons.
posted by amtho at 12:18 PM on March 26, 2009

Gah. Thanks, amtho! Clearly, I'm not paying attention today. (I promise that under normal circumstances, I'm capable of counting to six!)
posted by cider at 1:42 PM on March 26, 2009

Thirding Etsy, although I find Alchemy a little too reaching-into-the-unknown. What I would do is search around on the site until you find someone who makes pendants and whose style you like, then ask them to design it for you, or change one of their designs to be what you want. I've had excellent results with this in the past.
posted by pocams at 3:12 PM on March 26, 2009

Maybe not so romantic but really really cheap: get a hexagonal dog collar tag engraved with your chosen quote! A google search for pet tag hexagon turns up a lot of... octagons, but also a few real hexagons, like this one.
posted by moonmilk at 4:52 PM on March 26, 2009

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