Podcast downloads keep timing out
March 12, 2009 7:27 AM   Subscribe

A few of my regular podcasts always 'time out' when Itunes attempts to download the latest episode. It starts downloading, then stops and I get a message like "17 of 35 MB - stopped." If I hit refresh, it starts downloading at a normal speed and then slows down and stops again. The only way I can get the podcast to download fully is to hit refresh, then as soon as it slows again I stop and hit refresh - over and over until it's complete. Additional clues: This only happens with some podcasts, the rest download fine. One example that I always have problems with is the NPR Studio 360 show. Also, if I go to the web site and manually download (right-click/save as on the mp3 link), it downloads fine. I'm on a Cox cable connection and my download speeds are fine for everything else.
posted by mattholomew to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Did you subscribe to the podcasts through the iTunes store? If so, Apple does seem to do some stupid redirecting. I solved my podcast download problems by subscribing to the feeds using Advanced->Subscribe to podcast.

As someone else said recently, iTunes is a great tool for exposing anger management problems. Certainly does it for me.
posted by dhoe at 10:03 AM on March 12, 2009

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