Best home karaoke solution?
March 3, 2009 12:48 PM

Help me create the ultimate karaoke room in the finished basement of my house.

Reading over the karaoke posts in the archives, it seems there are numerous ways to go about creating a karaoke room: buying a dedicated karaoke machine, using a computer, using one of the games available for a console or modifying a DVD player.

I'd like specific advice about the best way to create an awesome karaoke den, from scratch. Money is a factor, but not an overwhelming concern. I don't mind spending to get it right.

The basement already has a large TV with gaming consoles and DVD player attached. I also have 3 gigs of songs on my PC, so I wouldn't be averse to using the computer as a solution. My main criteria for an enjoyable experience:

* A wide variety of songs, with easy ways to add more
* Multiple mikes
* Lyrics are a requirement, with effects and visuals a bonus

I'm looking for:

* General advice about the best way to do this (I'm leaning toward a PC solution, but could easily be swayed. I'd love it if you'd tell me how YOU'D create your perfect karaoke room)
* Specific equipment recommendations (what speakers? what mikes? Any great accessories?)
* Links to articles about creating your own karaoke room that you find helpful. There's a lot of chaff out there and I'm having a tough time finding the wheat.

Thanks much in advance. I'm in Durham, NC, if that matters.
posted by jeffmshaw to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation 3 users marked this as a favorite
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