Getting stuff typed in Urdu.
February 18, 2009 8:56 AM   Subscribe

How to get typed up stuff in Urdu with our English keyboards?

So I have: some windows comps and UK keyboards; some text I need translated into Urdu; a fella that will translate for us but tends to write it down. He has a computer and UK keyboard but no way to type and print in Urdu.

Do I need to get him an urdu keyboard? Or just some software and some way of showing him what Urdu character maps to what key? How can he type in, say Microsoft Word in Urdu and print in Urdu, or email it to me so I can print it?
posted by By The Grace of God to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
If he already knows how to type with an Urdu keyboard, it's possible to set up your computers to emulate one. The physical keyboard won't change, of course, but it will behave exactly like the Urdu keyboards he's used to. Look under "keyboard layout" in the documentation that cam with your computer-- I think the actual setting is under "International" or "Keyboard" in the Windows Control Panel.
posted by Electrius at 9:00 AM on February 18, 2009

My parents use InPage, and my mom, who is not the strongest with computers and typing, picked it up pretty fast. She can type 10 page Urdu documents in one quick sitting.
posted by omair at 8:21 PM on February 18, 2009

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