Google, Stop Randomly Printing Your Crap on My Office Printer
February 4, 2009 9:06 PM

Why has Google taken over my computer (and the mind and soul of my workplace printer)?

The last few days at work, I've noticed that - when I'm logged in to Google - occasionally, without any "Control-P" or keystroke command from me, a Google page (e.g. the home page or the Webmaster tools page) will print out on our office printer.

The only reason I know this is happening is because a co-worker will see my e-mail address at the top of the offending Google page, understand that the print-out is "mine," and politely drop it off on my desk at random points throughout the week.

Now, I'm not in a psychotic fugue state or under the influence of any intoxicants, and I'm not printing out anything from Google. I am also the only one who uses my computer (in a very small office, where it would be obvious if I were the victim of a prank).

So how can this be happening? (It is rare that I print out anything not work-related, let alone a random page from Google, so there is a mystery here.)
posted by iced_borsch to Technology (3 answers total)
What browser are you using?
posted by damn dirty ape at 10:18 PM on February 4, 2009

What browser are you using?

The browser is Internet Explorer 7; the operating system is Windows XP.
posted by iced_borsch at 9:15 AM on February 5, 2009

Might it be related in any way to the Google Desktop application, which I recently installed?
posted by iced_borsch at 9:25 AM on February 5, 2009

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