Does anyone know of a Firefox extension or Linux app that allows you to check or uncheck all checkboxes on a web page?
October 21, 2004 6:56 AM

Firefox (un)check all extension: Does anyone know if there exists a firefox extension or linux app that allows you to check or uncheck all checkboxes on a given web page? {mi}

I use a ticket tracker system with lots of legitimate tickets and lots of spam (I have no control over filtering for this system). Sometimes I pull up a page that has, say, 50 legitimate tickets and 25 pieces of spam, necessitating 50 mouse clicks to clean out the spam and retain the tickets, and it would be nice to be able to come out ahead of the ratio every now and then. : >

In the event that such a thing does not exist, I have intermediate-level Perl experience . . . would this translate well to trying to do this in Python (something I probably need to learn, anyway) as a learner project?
posted by littlegreenlights to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Easiest way to do this would probably be as a bookmarklet in javascript. Some sloppy top-of-my-head probably nonfunctional code that should point you in the right direction at least:

var cboxes = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < document.cboxes.length; i++) {
var cbox = document.cboxes[i];
if (cbox.type =='checkbox') {cbox.checked=true}
posted by ook at 7:19 AM on October 21, 2004

Hey, here's a "toggle all checkboxes" bookmarklet [link goes to page, not directly to bookmarklet].
posted by britain at 8:37 AM on October 21, 2004

You guys rock so hard. :> Thanks for making a n00b hostmaster's days a whole lot less clicky-stressful.

I don't know why, but the ticket tracking system defaults to checking everything on an update page by default, meaning, yes, please delete this ticket, My aim was getting better after a few thousand, but that isn't a skill I thought was particularly lacking, anyway. :>

Thank you, thank you!
posted by littlegreenlights at 11:01 AM on October 21, 2004

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