Mas Tequila, Por Favor
January 6, 2009 1:23 PM   Subscribe

Girls Gone Wild! Going to Mexico for BFFs 40th birthday. Gift ideas?

Six women are renting a house in Mexico to celebrate one's 40th birthday. We'd like to give her a gift every hour of her birthday. So far we have come up with shots of tequila (duh!), and as the day progresses, a Corona thong swimsuit that she GETS to wear the rest of the day. Any other ideas? She's a very youthful 40, married, virtually impossible to offend, and very comfortable financially (i.e. there isn't anything she NEEDS.)

Bring on the ideas! The wilder the better! (But we still need to be able to legally get it on the plane down there.)

Thank you!
posted by jildelicious to Human Relations (12 answers total)
Swing by your local sex shop, there should be something worth surprising her with there.

Spencer's (in malls) also has a lot of stuff that may be along the lines of what you're looking for.

Candy is fun, too.
posted by big open mouth at 1:43 PM on January 6, 2009

This stocking stuffers thread may help. Have a great time ladies!
posted by dog food sugar at 1:55 PM on January 6, 2009

I don't know how open minded you guys are but, uh, you can head down to your local pharmacia' and pickup 120 Somas (Caprisidol) for very, very cheap. It's just a muscle relaxer, but you take 2 of those, toss in some of those shots you mentioned, and wooooo. Fun, fun. Also, where in Mexico? that might help. I've been to mexico over 20 times, but most of it was in Rocky Point. If that's where you're headed, I can name about a dozen things to do/get that are less shady and still fun. Sunset cruises are usually very cheap and offer unlimited drinks. The Fish Market is absolutely full of venders with whom you can spend all kinds of time haggling with until you get stuff retarded-cheap.
Have fun! I love Mexico with my whole heart. Outside of the scary, corrupt bordertowns, there's nothing quite like our south-of-the-border neighbors.
posted by Bageena at 3:31 PM on January 6, 2009

you can head down to your local pharmacia' and pickup 120 Somas (Caprisidol) for very, very cheap. It's just a muscle relaxer, but you take 2 of those, toss in some of those shots you mentioned, and wooooo. Fun, fun.

Really, I'm no prude when it comes to recreational fun but muscle relaxants and alcohol? Christ.

Get her a nice massage.
posted by otherwordlyglow at 4:30 PM on January 6, 2009

I unwrap nicely.
posted by Muirwylde at 4:46 PM on January 6, 2009

After doing a little research on the internet, I happily withdrawl my suggestion. While I personally have never ran into any trouble combining alcohol and medication, it appears to be rather dangerous. So instead, I suggest getting totally wasted and buying a shit-ton of fireworks.

What? What's wrong with that?
posted by Bageena at 5:44 PM on January 6, 2009

okay bageena - next time i got to mexico i think i want to hang out with you against all better judgement!

If you have an Urban Outfitters nearby they have fun little books that could be good - trendy little nastalgia for people that are in their late 30's early 40's that apparently teens and 20-somethings that shop there like to look at too.

And get her a boa! Who does not like to open up a box of feathers that can then go around your neck.

Sunglasses, a goofy hat, look around on etsy, funny t-shirts like this pinata one.
posted by dog food sugar at 5:58 PM on January 6, 2009

So instead, I suggest getting totally wasted and buying a shit-ton of fireworks.

Now there's an idea I can support.
posted by otherwordlyglow at 6:37 PM on January 6, 2009

No to meds (good luck finding a hospital or a bilingual doctor at 3:00 am), yes to fireworks.

Where are you staying? Some towns in northern states have traditions where you follow a tambora band while drinking tequila or mezcal. They are known as callejoneadas in Guanajuato and Zacatecas and they are super fun. Otherwise, hire a Mariachi to give her a serenata (serenade). You might hate mariachi music but you'll love it after three tequilas.

Have a piƱata with fun treats. Don't fill it with anything hard or breakable because it will fall in your head.
posted by clearlydemon at 7:09 PM on January 6, 2009

dog food sugar, we're on. ;) While my 10 minutes of internet research has taught me that I should probably be dead, the worst thing that's ever happened to me in all of my VERY irresponsible fun in Mexico is... I lost a hat when I walked out into the ocean fully-clothed on SIX somas (but no alcohol). This was, like, 5 years ago so I was much, much dumber than I am now. Well... maybe just a little dumber. I promise you though - if it's Cabo, if it's Tijuana, if it's Puerto Penasco or Puerto Viarta, I know my way around enough to ensure that there'll never be a dull moment. I practically lived in those places when I was a teenager. Thank god for well-off friends with timeshares.
clearlydemon, there's a 24-hour pharmacy across the street from one of the nicer hotels in Rocky Point. The best part is that one of the two girls working behind on the counter on any given day is a 'doctor'. Talk to her first, she'll write you your script, then walk over to the cash register and fill your prescription. Mexico has, unfortunately, gotten much more strict over the past 10 years though, so somas are about the extent of 'fun' medication to be had. They'll always sell you pain killers, but the prices are absolutely absurd. HOWEVER.... there's a vet in Rocky Point who'll sell you Ketamine for cheap. *laughs* Ah, I really hate to think of the image I'm creating of myself here. Ketamine is, after a few more minutes of internet research, pretty safe but absolutely not for everyone. Probably not for most people, actually.
I still say... look for sunset cruises. Cheap. Scuba diving packages are cheap. In nearly any town you go to, they'll have a place called 'Fireworks Alley'. Not only do they sell explosives, but you can get your friend a poncho, a cheap knockoff Movado or Rolex, and her name engraved on a grain of rice. Remember to haggle, always haggle. It's like a sport down there.
God DAMN, I love Mexico. Now I really want to make a visit.
posted by Bageena at 7:44 PM on January 6, 2009

I meant "good luck finding a doctor to treat you in case you have a bad reaction to the meds". I'm Mexican and I know that you can get many controlled substances (including ketamine and pain killers) in some sketchy pharmacies without a recipe.

Mexico has, unfortunately, gotten much more strict over the past 10 years though
I don't mean to be rude, but it's not that bad for those of us who actually live here. It's not easy or fun to live in a corrupt country.
posted by clearlydemon at 9:24 AM on January 7, 2009

You should try living in America. It totally sucks.
posted by Bageena at 10:32 AM on January 7, 2009

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