Should I cancel my travel to Istanbul?
January 6, 2009 4:11 AM   Subscribe

I'm jewish (non israeli) and in 3 weeks I'll be travelling from israel to Istanbul for 3 days. Should I reconsider for security reasons in view of Gaza's events?
posted by Manouk to Travel & Transportation around Istanbul, Turkey (12 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I was in Turkey for a semester after the Muhammed-cartoon crisis. And people didnt care about me being from Denmark, and I didnt hold back on saying that I was from Denmark, because that is where I am from. So will the events in Gaza cause anger in Turks? No, not at all.

Relax, go to Istanbul and enjoy your trip :) I'll bet that you will be enjoy it as much as I have.
posted by madcow20 at 4:45 AM on January 6, 2009

You being Jewish, not a big deal. Particularly if you aren't travelling with an Israeli passport. Being a tourist might carry some inherent risk of its own, but not as much in Istanbul as it might in, say, Cairo.

Turkey's a pretty laid back place. Enjoy it!
posted by Grrlscout at 4:58 AM on January 6, 2009

Are you reconsidering the Israel part or the Turkey part? I'd definitely say the Israel part is the far riskier portion of the trip.
posted by Pollomacho at 5:01 AM on January 6, 2009

Response by poster: Just the istanbul part. I have many friends travelling right now in Israel that say that it is pretty safe if you don't consider the possibility of suicide bombings.
posted by Manouk at 5:21 AM on January 6, 2009

I'd say this largely depends on your passport and your level of observancy (e.g. yarmulke).
posted by arimathea at 5:42 AM on January 6, 2009

Best answer: Trust me, nominal Islam aside, there's probably a lot more in common between Jews and Turks than Turks and Arabs in many ways! And you should see how Turks bristle when inaccurately described as Arabs or when Turkey is described as a "Middle Eastern" country. Turkey's a pretty secular place, and generally more tolerant than you'd imagine.

By the way, no one's going to care about your passport, and I've seen plenty of people wearing yarmulkes in Istanbul, and no one cares a bit. Have fun, and don't worry.
posted by Dee Xtrovert at 9:08 AM on January 6, 2009

Israel has an embassy in Istanbul. You could contact them if you're still unsure.
posted by K.P. at 9:24 AM on January 6, 2009

I'm in Turkey right now, albeit in Ankara rather than Istanbul. There are plenty of nonviolent protests, but I wouldn't worry even if I had an Israeli passport. Israel is certainly more dangerous, and you can always tell folks you're Canadian if you're concerned.
posted by ecmendenhall at 12:58 PM on January 6, 2009

Where in Israel are you going to be? If you're heading south, forget it, people I know in Beer Sheva got the hell out of dodge, Ben-Gurion has suspended classes, etc.

But if you're going to Tel Aviv or north, you will not even know there is a military action on.

About Turkey, if you're not traveling on an Israeli passport, no one will care. Only risk is if something happens and the airport closes, but that takes A LOT (like, the first Gulf War).
posted by micawber at 1:23 PM on January 6, 2009

Basketball Game suspended in Turkey: A ULEB Eurocup Group D basketball game between Israel's Bnei Hasharon and Turkey's Turk Telekom in Ankara was suspended today when Turkish fans began chanting "Israel, killers!"
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 1:36 PM on January 6, 2009

Basketball Game suspended in Turkey: A ULEB Eurocup Group D basketball game between Israel's Bnei Hasharon and Turkey's Turk Telekom in Ankara was suspended today when Turkish fans began chanting "Israel, killers!"

And at the same time you get this. Go figure?
posted by Pollomacho at 12:37 PM on January 7, 2009

Istanbul is more "Paris" than "Saudi Arabia." Go and enjoy.
posted by kanewai at 12:44 AM on January 16, 2009

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