Help me identify this mid 90's Japanese science/educational TV show.
December 29, 2008 4:07 PM

Help me identify this mid 90's Japanese science/educational TV show and prove that it exists. Every week it explored how something worked by approaching it from a different angle or doing an unusual experiment. One show they made gasoline from orange peels and drove a car around with it. On another they tried making coffee from other foods by roasting, grinding and filtering water through peanuts, soy beans, and beef. I remember the title as "MegaTen" but the Googles, they do nothing.

Other half remembered information:

I think it was part of San Francisco's KTSF Sunday night Japanese programing along with Iron Chef. It wasn't dubbed but it may or may not of had English subtitles. Probably around 1996-1998.

I remember it as the usual low production value NHK panel show with a older wise host and four panel members asking questions and looking intent. And graphs and pointy plastic hands, etc. It's quite possible they based the show on questions sent in by the audience. Some of the science was pretty domestic, such as why golf balls have dimples and how do different pans cook differently.

Bonus points to anyone who can find clips or more information on this show.
posted by Ookseer to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
this one? Link (new window)
posted by kanemano at 4:33 PM on December 29, 2008

"me-ga-ten" *Slaps forehead*

Wait... This show is still on?!?!! Wish I knew that when I was living in Japan...

Now to find some videos...
posted by Ookseer at 5:20 PM on December 29, 2008

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