What (non-first night) thing should we do in Boston New Years Eve?
December 5, 2008 8:09 AM

What (non first night thing) to do New Years Eve in Boston?

My wife and I (early 30's) are looking for something classy to do New Years Eve in Boston. She would like an excuse to dress up. We are not into "clubbing" or the like. Some dancing is okay just not as much the thumpa-thumpa college kid crap. The option to sit and talk with friends would be a plus.

A paid event is fine, but not necessary...not looking for something like First Night as we would like something more formal. We were thinking of something along the lines of the Revolution thing that Young Professionals put on.

It does not need to be a huge event...many of these seem rather large. It could be a smaller more intimate thing at a restaurant.

Hoping to limit to $100 a ticket, bonus points for less, can go a little over if need be.

Maybe an event at Museum or something like that might work...

So what do you guys think?
posted by UMDirector to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Om Restaurant in Harvard Square (their website is currently down) does a very good prix fixe menu on New Year's eve. I've only ever done the earlier one -- not the midnight champagne one -- but they're a pretty classy place with great drinks.
posted by olinerd at 9:14 AM on December 5, 2008

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