Where can I find articles with recommendations on what the Obama administration can do with the internet to govern?
December 4, 2008 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find blog entries / articles with recommendations on how the Obama administration can use the internet to govern?

I'm looking for blog entries / articles with commentary on how the Obama administration can use the internet to govern. I'm not looking as much for things on what he had used during his campaign, but things focusing more on how he is currently using the internet to reach out to people and suggestions as to how he can use it after he is inaugurated.

Bonus points for blog entries / articles that originate from outside the US.
posted by perpetualstroll to Law & Government (2 answers total)
Best answer: In the category of "how he can use it":

I was sent this link by a friend yesterday.

The list of signatories at the bottom contains organizations and individuals interested in using the internet to expand the transparency of the governing process and open it to all citizens. The site has a blog here.
posted by lholladay at 1:59 PM on December 4, 2008

Best answer: Personal Democracy Forum is about this kind of stuff.
posted by milkrate at 3:57 PM on December 4, 2008

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