Is Just What I'm Looking For?
November 11, 2008 4:10 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for first-hand accounts of dealings with Are they legit enough to warrant my business?

My grandmother has all the seasons of The West Wing on DVD, but three single discs within three separate seasons have disappeared. My Google-fu turned up as a way to buy single discs of a DVD set, which is great because it's a handy resolution to this unresolved, closed AskMe that turned up when my first instinct was to search here.

Their FAQ and About page are reassuring, but is there anyone out in the community who's used their service and can offer a story of how they were pleased/disappointed?
posted by sjuhawk31 to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I bought an audio CD from them without paying enough attention (Pandora -> Amazon -> Buy!). As you might have expected (but I did not) I got only the CD in a plain plastic case. But the CD played fine, and I rip all my music to mp3 and store it on my home computer anyway, so I am an adequately-satisfied customer.
posted by spacewrench at 4:55 PM on November 11, 2008

Response by poster: I expect the plain case...we still have the DVD cases, so there's no issue there.

Thanks, spacewrench.
posted by sjuhawk31 at 5:22 PM on November 11, 2008

Best answer: Weighing in without a personal experience, but curious enough about this to start searching around - just wanted to point out in case you hadn't come across it -

on a Frank Black forum site

Looking at a variety of references on the web it seems very well established, it's shown up on some "check out the bargain" sites including FatWallet, I didn't see anyone calling them out for bad service. I'll definitely be checking it out.
posted by nanojath at 5:37 PM on November 11, 2008

Best answer: I've ordered 15 or 20 CDs from them (buy 5, get free shipping!), and on the two occasions there were problems, they made good on it right away. (One of the discs was unplayable, and they didn't have another copy so they gave me a double credit. The other time the package was 'lost' in the mail -- yes, I'm looking at you, Chicago post office -- and they gave me another 5 CDs plus 1 for the inconvenience. Top-notch service in my book.)

The selection is very hit-or-miss, but you can't beat the price.
posted by Bron at 6:38 PM on November 11, 2008

I've never used justthedisc, but I can tell you that when I purchased a box set of the West Wing which included disc 3 of a "The Waltons" box set instead of the appropriate disc, I called the company that made the set and they sent me a new one. In that situation, because it was their fault, they didn't charge me, and even offered an extra free DVD by way of apology, but the point of this story is not that they'll do that for you, rather it is to indicate that they might be able to sell you a single disc for a nominal fee. Because they do have them.
posted by dizziest at 4:25 PM on November 12, 2008

Response by poster: dizziest, the AskMe that I linked to suggests otherwise. I placed the order on justthedisc.
posted by sjuhawk31 at 5:58 AM on November 13, 2008

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