Looking for a historical US atlas
November 3, 2008 4:35 PM

Can you recommend a good historical atlas of the United States?

I'm looking for a book version of this. But with more detail and more maps.

I do not necessarily need maps of battles/wars, the underground railroad, and presidential elections, et cetera, but I would not mind having those. I guess the ultimate tome is this book but I do not want to spend $145.

Also, I would much prefer a book that has all matching (custom-drawn) maps, not a mishmash of maps hand-drawn 150 years ago.
posted by BradNelson to Grab Bag (1 answer total)
Your Amazon link actually lists the Atlas of Historical Geography of the United States as the better reference, and it is $100 more. Personally I think your choice is listed at a fair price; 300 color maps at less than 50 cents each? Perhaps you would prefer the National Geographic Atlas that it is bundled with, or this one?

BTW, I know you don't seek a 'mish-mash of old maps', but have you examined the many historical maps available online?
Here, here, and here.
posted by TDIpod at 7:30 PM on November 3, 2008

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