Where to buy Mauritian rum, beer and tea in Australia?
October 26, 2008 5:39 PM   Subscribe

Question for Aussies or Mauritian ex-pats: Where can I buy some products from Mauritius in Australia?

After honeymooning in Mauritius a few years ago, we have finally (in the past 12 months or so) run out of the last of the Green Island Rum we purchased while we were there.

The things is, we've had no real luck trying to purchase this rum, and other items from the island here in Australia (most specifically, Melbourne)

We were wondering if there are any places in Australia (Melbourne particularly if they are retail outlets) where we could purchase Green Island Rum, Bosi Cheri Tea and Phoenix or Marlin Beer.

Importantly, we'd love to hear from any Aussie MeFe-ites who have actually successfully purchases said products here in Australia. There seem to be a few organisations promoting that they sell these products, but they either don't do so, or don't respond to requests for more information or inquiries.

Thanks so much!
posted by chris88 to Food & Drink (2 answers total)
Acland Cellars in St. Kilda may be able to help you. I used to go there for Goldschlager years back when it was much more difficult to find.
posted by turgid dahlia at 8:07 PM on October 26, 2008

you should speak to Joel Valerie,
melbourne based Mauritian ex pat.

you can find him on facebook

Joel's lived in melbourne about two years, and knows 20 times more people here than I do (I'm melbourne born and bred)
I know he was planning on importing Mauritian products to australia, don't know if he ended up doing it or not.
posted by compound eye at 1:36 AM on October 27, 2008

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