Where can I buy boxes in the Netherlands?
October 16, 2008 4:50 PM   Subscribe

I'm having great difficulty finding a supplier of boxes and packing materials in the Netherlands that doesn't require buying in bulk

I have two colocated servers (Dell PowerEdge 2950) sitting in a datacenter in Amsterdam that I need to ship back to Australia. The datacenter got rid of the original boxes so I have to supply my own. My first option was to get the shipper (FedEx) to pack them for me, but the dimensions of their large 25kg boxes aren't big enough. Second option is to find a local packing supply company and order a few boxes to send to the datacenter and they will pack the servers for me. I stumbled across a couple of sites like this one which have everything I need, except that they require purchases of 20+ boxes at a time. Does anyone know a .nl packing and supply company that would be able to help me out? All I need is a couple of boxes suitable for shipping 2u servers and some foam and/or bubblewrap.
posted by MentokTheMindToker to Shopping (1 answer total)
I can't help you directly, but I'm convinced if you call a post office (Postkantoor) and give them the dimensions, they will be able to help you out or refer you elsewhere. Try the one on Singel and Raadhuisstraat, 020-5563311‎.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 8:03 AM on October 23, 2008

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