Command-line video quandry
October 14, 2008 7:23 PM   Subscribe

I have two synchronized 720x480 miniDV files. I have OS X 10.5.5. I want to render them side-by-side into a single webcast-resolution widescreen video (eventual target: Vimeo), preferably in a way that can be scripted/automated (so a command-line tool would be great).

Right now, I actually edit the two streams in Final Cut Studio, switching between one or the other. However, I need to change the format and rig up some solution that someone who is not a FCP editor can execute repeatedly. Also, we don't have another license of FCP, so something that can work with FCE or a F/OSS tool is preferable. I'm not super-picky about whether the output is 640x230, (2x the width of the input files, scaled down to web-resolution) or regular 16:9 widescreen with black bands along the top or bottom, so long as the solution is easy, automated, etc. I regularly work with ffmpeg but as far as I know that tool won't do this. The files are about 60 minutes in duration, but I don't think this should affect what can be done. Thoughts?
posted by Alterscape to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
If I understand you correctly.
posted by rhizome at 8:52 PM on October 14, 2008

Response by poster: rhizome, I'm not sure if I'm missing something on that link,or if I explained poorly -- I want to encode the two existing video files into one video file, where the two are displayed side-by-side, not one after the other. That does neatly explain another option for encoding (aside from ffmpeg), though, so thank you.
posted by Alterscape at 9:45 PM on October 14, 2008

How I would do this:
* turn the videos into two folders full of jpegs - ffmpeg or mencoder can do this.
* composite the images - a script & ImageMagick can do this.
* encode the composited images into a video - ffmpeg or mencoder again.
This is the simplest method I see offhand, though it's not optimal for speed or space requirements.
posted by Pronoiac at 10:06 PM on October 14, 2008

I think that FCE can do this - but no scripting.

Scale down both clips to 50%. Both will fit in the canvas.

I think I can get this to 10 steps.
Import 2 clips.
Copy clip 1.
Replace edit on the first frame.
Paste attributes basic motion
Copy clip 2
Replace edit on the first frame.
Paste attributes basic motion
Export to Compressor. Use a preset you've built.

For $300 you might want to look at traffic
posted by filmgeek at 10:24 PM on October 14, 2008

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