Best 24-hour places to study in NYC?
October 1, 2008 2:36 AM

I live in Astoria. I go to law school in Jamaica. I need to study. A lot. I'm a night owl who studies best in the very early morning. I work best outside of my apartment. Where are the 24-hour places to study in NYC, preferably off of the N/W or the F line?

However, I don't know of many convenient, 24-hour venues where I can study, with my books and laptop, plus perhaps drink coffee and otherwise be a calm little study-bee. I would very much like to craft my schedule so that I could go to class during the day, sleep in the early evening, wake up during the witching hour, and then traipse off to a place where I can study without a bed in clear view. Wi-Fi would be nice, but it's not absolutely necessary. I realize that there are a number of 24-hour cafes lurking about, but which ones would be least likely to be annoyed by my showing up with books in hand?

So, where shall I go?

It needs to be somewhere accessible either to Astoria by public transportation (so, off of the N/W lines) or to Jamaica (so, off of the F line). Must be in a safe location (I consider Astoria to be a gold standard of safety, barring when people get knifed in strip clubs).
posted by Sticherbeast to Education (10 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Oh, and my school's own library opens at the relatively late hour of 8am, so it's not quite an answer to this particular question.
posted by Sticherbeast at 2:40 AM on October 1, 2008

Is another school's library open earlier?
posted by Hildegarde at 4:31 AM on October 1, 2008

It's a little unconventional, but, have you considered the Cup Diner on 36th St, near the Astoria Kaufman theatre and the Museum of Moving Image? They're supposed to be open 24 hours, food's okay, their staff has always been nice when I went, and at least one of the yelp reviews mentions wi-fi. Worth a try, maybe?
posted by Remy at 5:11 AM on October 1, 2008

I can't find it on the web, but I remember passing a Starbucks on the south side of Queen Boulevard just on the west side of Union Turnpike. (Where the Union Turnpike subway hits the bus) Sadly, I don't think they are 24/7 but they are open early. Starbucks is like a life support system for studying - you can plunk down with a coffee and eat little food pods as you need them.

I'm always on the prowl for good study spots, but I haven't had much luck studying at diners because they tend to be noisy and need the seats to turn over.
posted by abirae at 8:22 AM on October 1, 2008

Bobst library at NYU is open 24 hours a day, you may have access via your school or you could buy a guest pass.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:34 AM on October 1, 2008

Bobst library at NYU is open 24 hours a day, you may have access via your school or you could buy a guest pass.

I'm an NYU alum attending St. John's, so at the moment I get three visits per year or whatever. According to the chart, I can't technically be in LL1/LL2 past midnight, although I'd be amazed if they'd actually check IDs. I seem to recall buying access as having been expensive, but I might be thinking just of the cost for alumni to donate to the library to get full access for a year. I also wonder what the situation is regarding Wi-Fi access...

Either way, I'll look into it, thanks!
posted by Sticherbeast at 4:36 PM on October 1, 2008

Strong second for Remy's suggestion of the Cup Diner. I'm in Astoria enough to have been at the Cup late at night a few times. It's spacious, friendly, and almost empty late at night. No loud music, very comfy booths. Easy to try... see if you like it.
posted by kalapierson at 4:01 AM on October 2, 2008

From the Bobst site:

"Note that Tamiment Library and the Wagner Labor Archives, Fales Library, and the U.S./U.N. Documents collections are open to the public. Users requesting access to any of these collections during hours that they are open will be granted a one-day pass... There is no limit on the number of times a user may request access to any of these collections."

So you can use those parts of the library as often as you'd like as a public guest. I don't know abot the other sections but it looks like the U.N. Documents section is open 7am - midnight.
posted by abirae at 5:46 AM on October 2, 2008

I think that there are some cafe-like places right near the Forest Hills LIRR station. No idea whether any of them are open late or all night.
posted by Citrus at 11:38 AM on October 2, 2008

What about Mike's Diner at the Ditmars stop? I seem to remember it was open 24 hours and it was usually pretty quiet.
posted by amandarose at 6:08 PM on October 4, 2008

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