Obama Theme Song
August 28, 2008 9:39 PM

What was the instrumental music that played after Obama's convention speech?

I recognized it as being from a film, I think, and it's driving me mad. It was very John Williams-y.
posted by Solon and Thanks to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Ack, it's on the tip of my tongue, too. I want to say it's from a sports movie, but I'm not sure.
posted by Rhaomi at 11:44 PM on August 28, 2008

I read elsewhere that it's the theme from Remember the Titans
posted by platinum at 11:50 PM on August 28, 2008

Ah, youtube link here.
posted by platinum at 11:51 PM on August 28, 2008

platinum's got it. What a fine piece of music. Though I wonder if the GOP will use Obama's choice of a movie soundtrack tune as further evidence of his "all style, no substance, pure Hollywood", etc., etc. campaign.
posted by Rhaomi at 11:56 PM on August 28, 2008

Obama Remembers the Titans

Also of interest, perhaps, is David Amram, the 2008 DNC composer-in-residence.
posted by dhartung at 12:12 AM on August 29, 2008

Remember the Titans, indeed. I found it disturbing, almost creepily ominous. The only way the RNC could top that is to use the Imperial March for Cheney's speech.

Which, like, if there's any way I can help make that happen...
posted by rokusan at 2:39 AM on August 29, 2008

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