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Questions About Newport, OR
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May 30

Oregon/Northern CA roadtrip recommendations?

I've never been to Oregon and will be taking a little road trip starting in Portland this August. I'm trying to figure out if we want to fly in/out of Portland or fly into Portland and out of San Francisco. I'm tempted to keep it simple and loop back to Portland. [more inside]
posted by retrofitted around Newport, OR at 12:39 PM - 8 answers has best

November 16, 2018

One couple, two dogs, fun/unusual Thanksgiving near the Oregon coast?

Partner and I just decided we'd like to spend Thanksgiving at the Oregon coast. We have two midsize dogs. Where should we stay? Airbnb pickins are reasonable but I'm curious about other/interesting options. Some details and bonus wishes under the cut. [more inside]
posted by adastra around Newport, OR at 12:00 AM - 3 answers has best

July 10, 2014

Seattle to Newport?

I’m driving from Seattle, WA, to Newport, OR (on the coast). Would it be better to take I-5 all the way down to Corvallis and then US20 over to Newport, or should I leave I-5 at Olympia and take 101 down the coast? I’ll be hitting Olympia around 4pm on a Monday, and I’ll hear arguments for both efficiency and pleasantness. Thank you!
posted by Janey Complainy around Newport, OR at 4:51 PM - 10 answers has best

May 28, 2010

Things to do in Newport when you're not dead

Things to do in Newport, Oregon (and environs) this weekend? [more inside]
posted by rabbitrabbit around Newport, OR at 8:45 AM - 13 answers

August 23, 2006

Newport Oregon Lodging

Newport Oregon lodging possibilities? [more inside]
posted by mctsonic around Newport, OR at 6:53 PM - 10 answers