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Questions About Jersey City, NJ
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September 24, 2015

Citi Bike for the Out of Practice

Citi Bike has just come to Jersey City, and I've signed up, mostly because I used to ride my bicycle all the time, and I kinda miss it. Any advice on where might be a good place to start? [more inside]
posted by Shmuel510 around Jersey City, NJ at 2:28 PM - 8 answers has best

May 16, 2011

Car rental and transportation questions for Jersey City

Getting from Newark Airport to Jersey City, late night and with kids in tow? Bonus question about car rental (oh, the joy!) [more inside]
posted by mosk around Jersey City, NJ at 2:10 PM - 8 answers has best

November 6, 2006

Airport transportation from Newark?

Best way to get from Newark Airport to Jersey City? [more inside]
posted by YoungAmerican around Jersey City, NJ at 9:11 AM - 11 answers