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Questions About Juneau, AK
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July 3, 2023

Would a week in Juneau be fun?

Trying to figure out early August vacation plans and my wife and I are both intrigued by Juneau, which we visited briefly on a cruise a few years back. Would this be a good destination to spend a week at? [more inside]
posted by DingoMutt around Juneau, AK at 4:51 PM - 5 answers

October 15, 2018

Trip to Juneau, AK for novel research! Writers & locals please help.

I'm going to be in Juneau, Alaska for two and a half days in the near future, and need some help getting the most out of my trip! I've written a first draft of a novel set in post-apocalyptic Juneau, and really want to get a sense of the place, the culture, and the history that I haven't been able to get through reading and googling. [more inside]
posted by bridgebury around Juneau, AK at 11:41 AM - 9 answers has best