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Questions About City of Edinburgh, Scotland
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July 17, 2023

What to do with a day in Edinburgh?

Two people, one day, Edinburgh. What to do? [more inside]
posted by sailoreagle around City of Edinburgh, Scotland at 12:40 PM - 10 answers

May 3, 2023

Where can I join an evening zoom call in central Edinburgh?

I have to run an hour-long training session tomorrow from 17:30-18:30 UK time. Originally, I was going to do this from home, but since it was scheduled, I've been booked (by work) to go to Edinburgh. Is there anywhere within half an hour of Waverley Station where I could join a Zoom call for an hour, at this hour (17:30-18:30) specifically? [more inside]
posted by obliquicity around City of Edinburgh, Scotland at 1:45 AM - 6 answers has best

February 18, 2023

Edinburgh advice ?

I've read the other asks on visiting Scotland and they're all really helpful, but I have a few snowflakey queries about Edinburgh-- lodging, food, and transportation related. [more inside]
posted by janey47 around City of Edinburgh, Scotland at 12:42 PM - 19 answers has best