Questions in the Technology category.
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February 13
How to privately rename text threads in Google Messages
How to rename a text thread where only I can see the name (in Google Messages)??? [more inside]
February 12
Apple 2FA on non existing device
As asked in this previous question, I'm trying to set up my mother's iDevices. It keeps asking me to enter the Passcode for a device that doesn't exist. [more inside]
Is it "Internet" or "internet"?
More than idle curiosity prompted my question. Increasingly, I worry that my continuing to capitalize "Internet" will mark me out as A Old, to my professional disadvantage. I would still hyphenate "e-mail" if I thought I could get away with it, so I'm too much of a fuddy-duddy to trust my own judgment. [more inside]
February 11
Do iPhone docks still exist?
I walk into my kitchen. I pull my iPhone from my pocket. I plug it into a... thing. It plays my podcast or music over a speaker and charges my phone. It's an iPod dock like it's 2012 but it's for my iPhone. Bluetooth is not involved. My phone's microphone is not involved. My thermostat is not involved. Cables are not involved other than the power cord that goes from the wall to the thing. The phone sits on its lil' USB C throne and sound flows out and electricity flows in. What is this thing? [more inside]
February 10
Computer-generated transcription that won't steal data?
I'm working on an ethnography project with a nonprofit organization that involves interviewing community members about potentially sensitive information. I'd like to use a free AI-transcription service to do the bulk of the transcription so I can focus on making corrections and other aspects of the work. Looking at services available, I'm guessing that most would save my recordings/transcripts for their own data mining purposes, which I don't want. Is there a free or low-cost (<$100 USD) one time payment service that will guarantee not to keep my files?
February 9
Two phones, same number
Misplaced my phone three months ago. Bought a new one, same model. Took new one to Verizon and they were able to transfer almost all of my info from old [more inside]
February 8
Recently moved, but my iPhone thinks I'm still at my old home.
I have a very peculiar and frustrating experience. I recently moved a few days ago, about an hour away from my old home, in another state, to a new state/town. For some reason, my iPhone keeps thinking I'm at my old home, when I'm obviously nowhere close to it. This is causing me great stress. Can you help? [more inside]
Setting up iPad and iPhone for elderly mother
My 83 year old mother has endless frustrations with her iphone and iPad. She lives several hours flight away and I do not see her much. On Monday she is going to FedEx me her iPhone 11, iPhone 7, and iPad (I don’t know the model yet) in the hopes that I can set them up for her in a way that she better understands them. [more inside]
February 6
How does the DoorDash app help drivers navigate?
I'm a disabled person who uses DoorDash a fair bit because it's hard for me to get out of the house. Every now and then, say every fourth or fifth delivery, the driver gets really lost trying to find my apartment. I'm curious about why this might be. [more inside]
February 5
Tiny motion-activated camera?
One of my neighbors (probably downstairs, but we aren't sure) has decided that quiet I am the source of the noises the worms apparently make in their head. So I get visits from security when I'm in bed or reading a book, and twice now, I've had a nasty note taped to my door. This fucker is going down. I need a tiny motion-activated camera so that the next time a note appears, I have them on camera. Suggestions? More cheaper, more better. Thank you!
February 3
Somewhat tedious question for other AT&T post-paid cell customers..
has anyone w/ ATT postpaid switched phone numbers but been able to continue to have access to your call logs/history from your old number?
Forgive the sort of highly specific nature of this question but... [more inside]
January 28
is fiber better than cable internet?
My building just started offering fiber internet connections at a pretty good price compared to what I'm paying now. Is/how is fiber better than cable? [more inside]
Eyes on the road!
What's the best alternative to Google Maps for distraction-free navigation while driving? [more inside]
January 27
Faded Fads
AI is the latest tech fad that has dominated media this past year.
What were previous major tech fads that were once everywhere you looked and have since faded?
January 26
I use Edison Mail on my iPhone. The new mail badge is always wrong
I've been using Edison Mail as the default mail app on my iPhone for several years now. For a variety of reasons I've chosen to stick with it but there is one incredibly annoying thing that I cannot figure out how to fix. The badge on the app icon almost always displays some incorrect number of new emails in my inbox. Why, and how do I fix this?? [more inside]
January 25
Group SMS on Android?
How can I send a group SMS (not MMS, nor RCS, nor anything else requiring an internet connection) on Android? [more inside]
January 24
Looking for an ios app that will display hex code of colours from camera
Is there a free ios app that will let me point my camera at things and the app will show the hex code for the colour? I'm aware that such an app would be susceptible to lighting. I've tried a few but all ask for some sort of subscription which I would like to avoid.
Recommend an e-sim that will allow a Canadian to call home from the US
I need to travel to the US for work. I also need to stay in touch with elderly relatively who only have landlines. I need a calling solution that won't break the bank so I have a shot at getting it covered as an acceptable work expense. [more inside]
How to make a DIY wireless charging light?
I loved the concept behind the Nanoleaf Remote dodecahedron light switch: the D12 glows and changes color when you rotate it to a different face, activating a different home lighting scene. Where might I find guidance or tutorials for using Raspberry Pi to connect the sensor, charging, and light components of a DIY version of the device? [more inside]
January 23
Headphones with mic noise reduction for phone calls while driving
I'd like to improve the audio quality of my on-the-road phone calls. People say I sound like I'm in a wind tunnel from the road noise. I'm currently using an iPhone 13 mini and these Panasonic wired earbuds with an inline mic. What headphones should I get? [more inside]