Questions in the Law & Government category.
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March 12

Moving house sale proceeds from US to UK

What and how exactly do I follow anti money-laundering laws in moving 40-60k from a US bank to a UK bank? [more inside]
posted by droomoord at 12:33 PM - 14 answers

March 10

It's not half.

Please help me locate the most definitive resource to fill in the blanks: "In the last US election, Trump received ___M votes, which represents ___% of all registered voters in 2024, and is ___% of the total US population." [more inside]
posted by AnOrigamiLife at 9:42 PM - 6 answers

March 7

Denazification and Second American Reconstruction

Providing that the USA is able to get out of its slide into authoritarianism -- what might be done to prevent such slides in the future?
posted by NotLost at 9:32 PM - 25 answers

What would be components of a Democratic Party populism?

What would a constructive, humane populism under the banner of the Democratic Party look like? (I am not looking here just for a platform about socialism or Bernie-ism or post-neoliberalism. Those are my favored policies but I am really thinking post-Bernie and more about a rhetoric that could be picked up by people who aren't socialists.) [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 10:47 AM - 31 answers

March 4

Can we hire someone to advise us on when to flee?

My family belong to a lot of groups whose safety the current administration are threatening and/or who generally do poorly under fascism. We aren't leaving the country for the moment. But we do want to make sure we leave before it's too late — and we don't really trust our own amateur understanding of politics and the law to let us make the right decision. Is this something we could hire an expert to do? Like, are there lawyers who monitor this sort of legal risk? Or political scientists for hire? [more inside]
posted by Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes at 12:27 PM - 32 answers

March 2

Do I need to close my UK bank account?

I am a non-UK citizen who will be leaving the UK soon when my visa expires. I want to keep the possibility of returning to the UK on a new visa, on a path to citizenship, open for the future. I have one personal account and one joint account with my UK citizen spouse. Is there any reason, bank-wise or immigration-wise, why I should not keep these accounts active indefinitely? [more inside]
posted by cabbage raccoon at 6:56 AM - 13 answers

February 28

Are there left leaning activist groups trying to talk to the right?

Basically I'd like to help get in the fight against all the terrible things that are happening in US politics but the place I'd like to help is creating messaging or media that is directed towards conservatives that are part of the MAGA base to start changing their minds. [more inside]
posted by Jerico at 1:38 PM - 14 answers

Looking for concrete anti-Musk / MAGA talking points.

I may be going on a local podcast next week. The host is a moderate conservative who live-streamed a local anti-Musk rally last week. He complained that many of the protestors he talked to didn't have a clear or coherent explanation of what they were protesting. (I happen to agree that a lot of the people he talked to didn't make a good case for the protest, but were also probably not expecting to be put on the spot.) [more inside]
posted by Reverend John at 9:57 AM - 22 answers

Would a government shutdown just play into Musk's hands?

I have seen a couple of plausible articles that suggest this, links below. I would appreciate more analysis, links, etc. [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 5:25 AM - 9 answers

February 26

Admitting to being a former smoker.

I smoked cigarettes from age 18 - 23. At my peak it was a pack a day. I have always lied on medical and insurance forms and said I never smoked. This is stupid, obviously. Is there any reason for me to continue lying? I'm in the US. I smoked my last cigarette twenty years ago.
posted by anonymous at 3:13 PM - 24 answers

February 25

How to protect national parks and public lands?

The Trump Administration is targeting national parks and public lands for private sale. What efforts are underway to protect against this, and what can be done to support these efforts, protest, and push back? [more inside]
posted by glaucon at 7:09 AM - 4 answers

February 24

How should I proceed with pursuing this idea for an app?

I have an idea for an app that, assuming it takes off, will help allow for people in the US to have a stronger voice in influencing how elected officials make decisions. I am concerned, however, that the new administration won't like this idea and that I might be faced with negative consequences for starting this even though I will be doing everything in accordance with the law. Am I overthinking this? I would be doing everything legally so I'm hoping that I'll be okay if I do this from the US but am worried enough by news such as a senator introducing a bill that would criminalize downloading the DeepSeek app with 20 years in prison and what things like this imply about our new federal government.
posted by dhahngh-dhahngh at 3:02 PM - 7 answers

February 23

Examples of an unimportant public office becoming source of great power

I was reading about Jessie M. Unruh and his transformation of the role of California State Treasurer into a position of tremendous financial and political power in the 70s and 80s. Before he was elected to that office it had been considered a fairly insignificant job. What are other good examples of a long established public office that was previously lightly regarded or inconsequential being transformed into a source of great power (regardless of whether it was widely understood at the time)? Examples from any country or era welcome. Caveats below the fold: [more inside]
posted by theory at 4:44 PM - 9 answers

Collecting $small amount from Small Claims judgement

A national pest control local franchise service truck damaged my property. I caught it on security camera, sued and won (default by no-show) in small claims with damages + court costs, totaling $280. How do I collect? [more inside]
posted by Pig Tail Orchestra at 1:36 PM - 9 answers

February 21

What would it take to change 45 CFR § 92.101(a)(2))?

This right here. [more inside]
posted by Lemkin at 7:32 AM - 4 answers

February 20

Does this seem legit?

A friend forwarded this to me today. [more inside]
posted by outfielder at 6:37 PM - 6 answers

Will I need to take an eye test at my Real ID appointment?

I have an appointment to get an "enhanced" Drivers License --i.e., to turn my regular DL into a New York State Real ID. My current license doesn't expire until 2029, so I'm not renewing it, just "enhancing" it. That's their language! I lost my distance glasses and need new ones. I can see well enough with my other glasses, but might not pass a test with them, depending how far away I'm standing. But since I'm not renewing my license, will I need to take an eye test?
posted by swheatie at 3:50 PM - 6 answers

Running for political office experiences

If you've run for or been elected to political office. What was your experience like? Book rec and links to people talking about their experiences also welcome. [more inside]
posted by Higherfasterforwards at 12:37 PM - 8 answers

February 19

Best organization(s) for anti-Trump donations right now?

Where should I put my money to oppose Trump right now? I am thinking of sending some to the Associated Press, some to support Ukraine, and maybe for one or more groups suing the regime. I already have some suggestions for Ukraine, so I mainly need your help for the last. But I'm fairly open, as longs as the organization will work to help us get our democracy back from the coup. I'm thinking more of an emergency situation, and not long term for now. Please give me good rationale for whatever group(s) you suggest.
posted by NotLost at 7:05 PM - 15 answers

February 18

Who said this about #47 and the GOP

Some time after US Presidential election day I read a quote in which the writer encouraged people not to complain about "Trump" but rather to highlight the degree to which Trump is enabled by the Republican Party, and also to not make his name any more visible than it already is. I would like to know who said that and exactly what they said but it's difficult to search for things involving him. [more inside]
posted by southof40 at 5:35 PM - 2 answers

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