Questions in the Shopping category.
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March 13
Looking for running/exercise headphone or earbud recommendations
I'm hoping to find bluetooth exercise headphones/earbuds that will stay put for running, lifting weights, and yoga. My priorities are to hear my surroundings (open ear design, not noise cancelling) and not break the bank (budget around $100). Good sound quality and longer battery life would be nice, but I can't see paying $300 for all the bells and whistles. [more inside]
March 7
Where did my Amazon review checker go?
I occasionally buy things from Amazon. A few months ago there was a new sidebar that analyzed the product reviews for the product on the page. I thought this was an interesting feature! A few weeks later I closed the sidebar. Now it is gone forever and I regret my actions. [more inside]
March 6
Can you recommend a bluetooth receiver for an old stereo receiver?
My home stereo is basically a turntable and a cassette deck run through an old Pioneer receiver, specifically this guy. I'd like to play music from my phone to that stereo receiver, via a bluetooth receiver plugged into the RCA cable jacks on the back. Can you recommend a good product? [more inside]
March 3
Does anyone make a coat 'system' that's dressy?
As I was trying to decide what the hell to wear to work on this, a day where the morning temperatures were predicted to be 15 degrees colder than the afternoon temperatures, I mused to myself about the possibility of created a coat system, like the 3-in-1 layer systems that companies like Columbia make for outdoorsy wear but using more dressy fabrics for those of us who don't plan to ski or hike anywhere. Which got me to wondering if such a thing already exists. Does it? [more inside]
February 23
Variable temp electric kettle without probe sticking out
I have an electric kettle that has a metal-and-silicone probe sticking out of the bottom (red circled bit here) which is hard to clean. I can’t seem to find one without this in an in-person store, and it’s hard to determine when looking online. Do you have a variable-temperature, electric kettle that doesn’t have this “feature”?
February 22
Baby essentials for grandparents’ house?
Our daughter is a few weeks away from her due date, and we’re shopping today. What should I have at my house? They live about 45 minutes away and I’m hoping / expecting that the baby will be here a few days a month once they’ve settled in a bit. Looking for personal recommendations rather than an internet list. Thanks!
February 18
Nurture my love of nice office supplies
I really like higher-quality paper office supplies like two-pocket and file folders. What are your sources for these kinds of things? [more inside]
February 9
Where was I going to buy jeans? UK-owned bloomchic alternative
I need new jeans. I would have ordered from Bloomchic, but they're U.S.-owned. So I went looking for alternatives and found a UK seller. But now I don't know what site it was and I can't find it. I found it by searching for alternatives to bloomchic. They had plus-sized jeans around $52. I THINK they had a .com domain because I had to look it up to determine they were from the U.K. Any ideas?
February 7
Letterpress printers whose work you like?
I have discovered a love of letterpress printing, and am devoted to two artists in particular. I'd love to hear about any you like! [more inside]
February 4
If Dad Could Buy Time In a Bottle....
My father is a woodworker and one of his specialties is making hourglasses, that is, setting glass hourglasses in a wooden framework. He used to buy the actual hourglasses from Lee Valley Tools, but they have stopped carrying them. Where can he buy them now?
February 2
What groceries/products/household goods are from blue states?
Inspired by our neighbor to the North, how can I make my day to day purchases play a tiny impact? [more inside]
February 1
Recommend a blender/shaker bottle
Can you a recommend a blender/shaker bottle for protein/other powder drinks? I have this BlenderBottle(TM) and while I appreciate the tight seal, the cap that covers the spout is very difficult to close and open. (So difficult that I avoid making the protein shakes and eat cookies instead.) [more inside]
January 31
Is a Costco membership a good idea, under these circumstances?
I'm thinking of joining Costco, mostly because I support their recent statement about DEI. But Mr. Blah and I are empty-nesters with a small house and almost zero pantry space. We do have some storage areas but they're rough—garage + semi-finished laundry room. Will I find stuff to buy that fits into a two-person home? Is it worth it? [more inside]
January 29
Trying to track down a very specific pillow
My mother has back pain and finds this particular pillow helpful to sit on. I want to see if it's possible to find another one. It was ordered online about 10 years ago, and it's a contoured memory foam pillow. Dimensions are 20" x 12", 4" height at one end and 3" at the other. Images inside. [more inside]
January 27
Expensive charging cables that are worth it
I have broken yet another charging cable by using my phone while I charge it. Are the perpendicular cables actually better? Any other charging cables that won't break when used this way? Looking for things available in Canada.
January 25
Bedtime for a big kid
My seven year old wants a more grown up bed and I'd like it to last at least until she graduates. Excellent online shoppers I've seen you work miracles here before, can you help me find this dream bed? [more inside]
January 24
Shipping to China on eBay?
Do you have any experience shipping secondhand goods to China via ebay or indeed at all? [more inside]
January 22
What's wrong with Kate Spade purses?
On a reality show I'm watching, a couple is discussing the type of gifts the woman wants. The man said, "I know you don't need a Kate Spade purse to be happy.." And she says, "Ugh, don't ever get me one of those."
Are Kate Spade bags gross now? [more inside]
January 20
A watch that looks like this for less than $40,000
The Patek Philippe 5227G Calatrava checks all my boxes for watch design: silver or white on black, no numbers, single dial markers, nothing but time and date. It is also $40,000. Surely someone makes a watch that looks a lot like this for less? [more inside]
January 19
How do I buy a shower?
I just want to buy a 30"x30" shower, with all the parts it needs. I can't get this locally, so I have to buy online. [more inside]