Where can I see more circus cabarets in London?
August 17, 2008 6:56 AM   Subscribe

Yesterday I spent an incredibly enjoyable night at Miss Behave's Variety Nighty, a cabaret night at the Roundhouse in London, UK. People of Mefi, please help me have many more such evenings. Where can I see more of this kind of thing in and around London?

I know that there are any number of Burlesque Shows that run regularly but ideally I am looking for the kind of mixture of circus skills, comedy and music that Miss Behave's offered. I understand that this was a pretty unique show in a pretty unique setting but there must be something similar out there even if it's on a smaller scale.

If anybody has any favourite acts that fit the bill then I'd love to hear about them.

posted by Del Chimney to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Minus the circus skills, I think that you would love Fascinating Aida. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as if they have any dates lined up at the moment but keep an eye out for them - their show is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in a theatre.

(There are some clips on YouTube but the quality is dreadful.)
posted by ceri richard at 9:08 AM on August 17, 2008

Best answer: I'd recommend A Night of Lamour at the Soho Revue (next show Aug 30th), and Head Over Heels feat. Kitty Bang Bang and Roxy Velvet. The latter are making an effort to move beyond burlesque and add in a lot of comedy and surreal acts.

If you see a boy running round in a bowler hat herding dancers at either event, that'll be me.

Also check out the regular End of the World parties held at Exmouth Market for burlesque and circus, and White Mischief also hosts a variety of acts.
posted by SciencePunk at 2:51 PM on August 17, 2008

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