Camping in Boston? I'd love to, thanks... Looking for some suggestions!
August 12, 2008 12:35 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for some good casual camping options near Boston, Ma (probably no more than a 2 hour drive). I've looked at a lot of sites that list camping places, but none that actually show ratings, or people's opinions. I don't have a 4WD vehicle, but usually like places that are a little more rustic, or out of the way. Camping isn't camping if you are with a thousand other people in a flat campground. As far as locations, I'd love to experience beach camping, forests, lakes, mountains... I'm really open to anything, but don't have any idea of where to start. It would just be nice to get out of the city with some friends on the weekends. Thanks for the help!
posted by namewithhe1d to Travel & Transportation around Boston, MA (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I can't tell for sure, but it sounds like you want to (1) drive somewhere, (2) park, (3) set up a tent (?) with friends, and (4) hang out in that location for the weekend. Under that assumption, here are some suggestions.

The Blue Hills are a 30-minute drive from Boston, and they claim to have camping available (or at least cabins). I can't vouch for the camping, but the Blue Hills are nice.

I once camped out in Bourne Scenic Park en route to Cape Cod on bicycle, but honestly the rest of the trip was more enjoyable (but I was staying in hostels). If you take the ferry from Boston to Provincetown, I believe there are places to camp on the beach on the northern part of Cape Cod. Not sure if that ferry takes cars though.

For mountain scenery in New England, it's hard to beat Franconia Notch, and it's a little over 2 hours from Boston via I-93. There are a bunch of campgrounds around there, and the views are spectacular.

If the mountains up north seem intimidating, try Mount Monadnock, which is an easy and pretty hike, and again they claim there are campgrounds nearby (I haven't experienced them personally).

If you're feeling especially adventurous, drive up to Hanover, NH, park near the Ledyard Canoe Club, rent canoes for a night or two, and camp out on the island south of the bridge to Vermont. It's a 1-2 mile canoe trip, and paddling upstream the next morning can be a little wearing, but I can think of few places I'd rather spend a couple nights in the outdoors.
posted by A dead Quaker at 8:50 PM on August 12, 2008 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Great ideas! I think the canoe one sounds great :)
posted by namewithhe1d at 8:45 AM on August 14, 2008

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