How to get into a press screening for a film?
July 9, 2008 12:09 PM   Subscribe

How do I get one of my writers into a press screening for a film?

A writer at the website I work for has been doing a season a week binge watch of the entire run of the X-Files in preparation for the new film. She's going to wrap it up with a review of the movie. I'd love to get her credentials or a pass to see a press screening of the movie.

We're an entertainment site primarily focused on television, so we've had access and press credentials a number of times before, but always for TV related events. I don't have any film contacts and don't know who to contact or how. I've been told I need to contact the Unit Publicist for the film, but I have no idea who that is or if that's even true. Any idea where to start?

The writer is located in San Francisco.
posted by jaybeans to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Yes, you need to find out who exactly is doing publicity for the film. I'm not an expert on this, but from my experience that may be either a unit of the film company itself (which I believe would be some branch of Fox in this case) or an outside PR firm assigned to do press in your particular area. I would start by trying to locate a press section on the official film site, which appears to be here. At first glance, I don't see one, so you might want to head to the main Fox films site and work your way in from there. At some point you should be able to locate a press contact, or at least someone who can point you in the right direction.
posted by iamisaid at 12:24 PM on July 9, 2008

Register your website at the Fox Movies press site. In the 'reason for access' field, make it very clear that you are going to publish a review of the movie. So long as they believe they're going to get free press from you, they're likely to grant you access.

Don't ask for press credentials when you sign up -- just make it clear that you're interested in publishing. Once you get access to the Fox press site, it should be much easier to determine who the press contact is for the movie. You should also have access to that person's contact info. That's when you should request press credentials.
posted by mudpuppie at 1:14 PM on July 9, 2008

I'm a journalist and iamisaid is basically right. Find out who's doing the PR and call them. It should be pretty easy. Oh and whenever anyone says "Are you a member of the press?", just say "yes" politely and firmly rather than going into a laboured explanation before it's asked for. This might be a good place to start.
posted by rhymer at 1:26 PM on July 9, 2008

Best answer: I'd simply call Fox straight up (310) 369-1000 and ask for feature film publicity. Explain what outlet you're with (name of your site), and that you have a writer who'd like to cover the event.
They'll likely steer you to someone up in SF who handles those requests.
I think mentioning your authors binge sounds pretty funny, and might actually help if just asking for press access doesn't work.
I wouldn't rely on the website contacts... could take some time.

If its really important she gets in, keep an ear out for any other advance screenings being put on by local media, ie radio stations, and appeal to them for a pass (promising a mention). There may also be fan club screenings to keep an eye out for.

BTW, its unlikely the Unit Publicist would be much help. They tend to be freelancers who are hired to work on set, and sometimes up til release, but largely accomodating interviews and creating press pack materials. While not a rule, they don't tend to be involved in the screenings.
posted by Unsomnambulist at 3:12 AM on July 10, 2008

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