M600i SMS Backup
May 29, 2008 10:06 AM   Subscribe

How can I make SMS backing-up work with a Sony Ericsson M600i?

I have a Sony Ericsson M600i, with Symbian/UIQ3. Whenever I try to back up the "unified inbox," the backup fails because the backup "was cancelled by mobile phone." I've tried deleting all the Auto Setup messages I could find, MMSs, messages with attachments, etc., all to no avail.

I've found a lot of evidence online that many people are experiencing the same problem--that the only way to successfully back up the M600i is by skipping the inbox backup. The problem is that I really really want to have my SMS messages backed up, also.

I'm running the Sony Ericsson PC suite 1.5.8.

I'd love if there were a specific solution that would make the Sony Ericsson PC suite start working, or a workaround such as a freeware program that would do the backup better than the SE PC Suite.

posted by monkey85 to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
You might try Float's Mobile Agent. It won't support calendar or address book syncing for your model, but it should be able to backup your SMS (see the device compatibility page).
posted by txsebastien at 2:17 PM on May 29, 2008

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