New Orleans - You know, for kids
April 25, 2008 7:39 AM   Subscribe

Weekend in New Orleans with a 15-month-old - need shopping and eating recommendations.

I'm taking Mrs. and Baby Writer to New Orleans this weekend, and we haven't been since before Katrina, and we need your help. Specifically, we need unique baby clothing stores and family friendly places to eat.

Our hotel is in the Convention District, and we already have the aquarium, park and Children's Museum as go-to places. But if you have other ideas, I welcome them.
posted by fijiwriter to Travel & Transportation around New Orleans, LA (1 answer total)
Magazine Street is going to have the bulk of the cute baby boutiques. Feet First and the Dirty Coast store have cutesy/snarky baby shirts.
posted by radioamy at 8:07 AM on April 25, 2008

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