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March 28, 2008 9:42 AM   Subscribe

Help me understand MSSQL logs... At least enough to do what I need to do.

Ok, I know the logs are there for disaster recovery and such. I understand the concept of Point-in-Time restore. But what I don't get is why the logs don't get truncated when a backup of the DB is done. One would think that you would get a fresh new log started after a backup, but yet my log keeps growing and growing and growing.

Anyway, I'm sure there are reasons for it, but what I need is to be able to do backups where the log gets reduced in size when the backup is done, since I will no longer need the past logged data after that point.

For reference: I'm doing 'Full' recovery model, and a 'Full' (Backup Type) backup is done once daily, at night. I want to keep the logs for Point in Time restores for crashes that happen during the day. I don't need a log for what happened in prior days. The code used is like as follows:

TO DISK = @sBackupName

Yes, I'm a SQL n00b.

Thanks for any help/info on this.
posted by eas98 to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
(I'm assuming you are using SQL Server 2005).

You have to backup your transaction logs also. SQL considers this necessary to have a "complete" backup. From the SQL Server books online:

"Each transaction backup captures the inactive portion of the log and then truncates the log to remove the inactive portion. "

See the help section titled "Backup Under the Full Recovery Model" for more info.
posted by xena at 11:37 AM on March 28, 2008

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