Please help me remember this old Macintosh puzzle game
March 25, 2008 10:39 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to remember an early-mid 90s puzzle game for the Macintosh that was possibly published by Disney (or an offshoot).

I remember fondly a puzzle game from the early-mid 90s that had several different levels to solve. Each level was preceded by a bell noise and a pithy quote like "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." It also had a card game that I think you could play separately, and would try to make the best hand by matching weather patterns or months (i.e. you could match April-October and make an opposite pair). I think that Disney or Lucas Arts or someone had a hand in publishing it. Anyone remember this game and know if it's available online?

(I seem to be on a classic Mac game binge lately.)
posted by Addlepated to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Best answer: Heaven and Earth.
posted by SPrintF at 11:43 PM on March 25, 2008

Response by poster: Yes! Thank you. Now if only I could get SheepShaver working on my Macbook. :(
posted by Addlepated at 11:53 PM on March 25, 2008

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