How can I get my web sites back up if the billing is outdated?
July 14, 2004 9:48 AM   Subscribe

My web host has suspended two of my sites, probably because the billing info is outdated. I am on the road with a lousy connection, and they're not answering my emails. What to do?

Googling "web-x-press" doesn't help because there's software with the same name, and at 28kbps I have a hard time doing research. Does anybody know of a directory where I could find a phone number? The sites have been down for over three days now. I've emailed their billing, sales, and tech support addresses several times, with no answer at all. I'd move to a different host, but I don't have the setup to do so right now. Hope me administrator!
posted by muckster to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Whois shows this:

Administrative Contact
Web XPress: admin@WEB-X-PRESS.COM
Web-X-Press Internet Services
47 Sinah
Hayling, Hants PO110HJ
Phone 07654 617125
Technical Contact
Web XPress: admin@WEB-X-PRESS.COM
Web-X-Press Internet Services
47 Sinah
Hayling, Hants PO110HJ
Phone 07654 617125

In addition, you could try posting a message to webhostingtalk. I did a search there, but didn't come up with anything.
posted by SteveInMaine at 10:36 AM on July 14, 2004

Response by poster: Oh great, they're in England.

Thanks SteveInMaine.
posted by muckster at 11:14 AM on July 14, 2004

I recently had a problem contacting my hosting company by phone and eventually got hold of the company that they (indirectly) buy their servce from. If you know the IP address, you can do a whois at and find who owns the IP, then try contacting them. There is a good chance that they could be in the UK also, so be prepared for an international call either way. I would suggest that you first contact the numbers in the whois info above, on the off-chance that they have given correct numbers.

Good luck.
posted by dg at 4:03 PM on July 14, 2004

muckster: If you're still having problems with them, tell me what you need to say to them (I'll probably need an account number too) and I'll give them a ring in the morning. My email address is in my profile.
posted by seanyboy at 4:57 PM on July 14, 2004

Response by poster: A huge public thanks to seanyboy, who indeed called for me, tracked down another phone number, and called that too. I appears that web-x-press is going under. Friends with broadband are backing up my sites as we speak.
posted by muckster at 11:48 AM on July 15, 2004

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