Looking for a language hack.
March 19, 2008 7:46 AM   Subscribe

Tweaking the Mac: Is it possible to configure the OS X GUI so that changing to a different language input is visible at the cursor?

If you've used OS X to write in more than one language, you've experienced it.

You're puttering away, writing in English. Suddenly, you decide to send an email in a foreign language. You open your email client, begin typing . . . and the words are still in English.

Oops! You've forgotten to click on the flag in the upper-right corner, to switch into your intended language!

I do this all the time. Sure, I know I'm supposed to look in the upper-right corner to verify the language I'm typing. But I'm so used to switching languages with "Space-Command," that I sometimes forget.

Is their any way to configure OS X so that switching to a different language is visible at the cursor?

An ideal hack would be one that changes the cursor into a different color. For instance, a red cursor would indicate English input and a blue cursor French. But I don't know if such a shareware program exists (or could be written).

Which is why I'm asking you guys for advice.
posted by Gordion Knott to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Is there some reason that command-space is not working for you, or is that working but you also want the cursor reminder? If it's not working, go to System Preferences > International > Input Menu. Note the keyboard shortcuts at the bottom. If you want different shortcuts, click through to the "Keyboard shortcuts" prefs.

I'm not aware of any cursor indicator for language, though.
posted by adamrice at 9:30 AM on March 19, 2008

Your idea is an entirely doable solution. Only problem is I don't think it's been done yet. If I were more than the most novice of novices when it comes to Cocoa programming, I might take on such a project.
posted by pmbuko at 9:41 AM on March 19, 2008

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