World Geography Quiz? (?seen on mefi in the last 5 weeks?) - Involves putting flags close to locations
January 26, 2008 11:07 AM   Subscribe

World Geography Quiz? (?seen on mefi in the last 5 weeks?) - Involves putting flags close to locations

Sorry about this but I'm stuck.. I'm sure I saw a world geography quiz on mefi this year but I cannot find it. I am hoping to humiliate my friend because he thinks he's *the man* on all matters geographical?
posted by you're only jung once to Education (9 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
There's a Facebook application called Traveler IQ Challenge that does just this. Warning: found it _very addictive_.
posted by the cydonian at 11:20 AM on January 26, 2008

Seconding Traveler IQ Challenge. I first heard of it on MetaChat.
posted by cocoagirl at 11:21 AM on January 26, 2008

Response by poster: cheers - knew I'd seen it on the blue somewhere.
posted by you're only jung once at 11:23 AM on January 26, 2008

Is this the post?
posted by languagehat at 11:24 AM on January 26, 2008

Probably not the one you're thinking of but I've been having fun with it:
posted by BoscosMom at 11:33 AM on January 26, 2008

Here's a few other decent ones:

-Lufthansa to Europe (marketing crap, but fun nonetheless)
posted by nitsuj at 12:42 PM on January 26, 2008

(just noticed that the TravelPod one is the same as Traveler IQ Challenge)
posted by nitsuj at 12:43 PM on January 26, 2008

i like GeoSense.
posted by RedEmma at 1:33 PM on January 26, 2008

BTW -- The Traveler IQ Challenge was developed by TravelPod (which TripAdvisor purchased in December 2006). In additon to being available at TravelPod and TripAdvisor, the game is syndicated to various sites, such as Bebo, Facebook and Friendster. ("To embed this game in your site, copy and paste this text: from here")

TravelPod's Traveler IQ Challenge -- "See Which Schools, Companies, Government Agencies and Locations Have the Best and Worst Geography Knowledge; Ivies Not So Smart; National Geographic Top of News Media Heap."
posted by ericb at 1:45 PM on January 26, 2008

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