What's the opposite of sciatica?
December 11, 2007 12:23 PM   Subscribe

I've had burning pain in my thighs since I was a little kid. When I told my doctor about it (at age 30--why I didn't ask before, who knows), she immediately said: "Oh, it's ...", as if it were the most obvious condition in the world. But I can't recall the name of the condition.

Apparently, it's the opposite of sciatica, in that it's caused by a nerve being pinched on the front of the legs, rather than in back where the sciatic nerve is.

Usually at night, but sometimes in the morning, I have this burning pain down the middle of the front of my thighs. I've had this my whole life and pain medication is about the only thing that helps. I'd like to do more research to find out about other relief ideas (exercise, stretching, natural remedies), but I don't know what the condition is called. I've tried to Google it but without knowing the name of the nerve, I haven't found anything.

Anyone familiar with this? If you have it, do you have any recommendations for dealing with the pain?
posted by faunafrailty to Health & Fitness (7 answers total)
Meralgia paresthetica?
posted by umbĂș at 12:32 PM on December 11, 2007

If nobody here jogs your memory, just call your doctor and ask.

Doing that would probably be easier and faster than asking here anyway.
posted by aubilenon at 12:33 PM on December 11, 2007

Charley Horse? Dead Leg?
posted by Smart Dalek at 12:42 PM on December 11, 2007

Response by poster: Meralgia paresthetica might be what she said. The symptoms sound right, but not the causes. The few things I just read up on say it's often caused by diabetes, weight gain and tight clothing. Granted, I'm not skinny, but I've had this since I was a very small child and I was skinny back then.

Aubilenon: You're right that I should call but I was also very interested in finding out if anyone had their own personal experiences with this condition.
posted by faunafrailty at 12:50 PM on December 11, 2007

Patella Femoral Syndrome?
posted by yerfatma at 1:06 PM on December 11, 2007

Meralgia paresthetica, or lateral femoral cutaneous nerve syndrome, may be the thing you're after. Essentially it's as though the phone cable to your house runs two feet underground except for one spot where it's on top of a rock an inch below the surface. The rock is your hip bone (the anterior superior iliac spine). So a utility belt or a beer belly or a baby or a contusive blow can put pressure on the nerve and cause irritation, though it's usually transient over weeks to months.
posted by docpops at 1:34 PM on December 11, 2007

I think docpops has it nailed. I had back spasms which damaged that nerve. I can attest to the pain that results. His/her description of the problem is spot on. Talk to a physician about a nerve block?
posted by Neiltupper at 4:20 PM on December 11, 2007

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