PHP question.
May 26, 2004 6:03 AM   Subscribe

Ok, another PHP question... this one less stupid than my last one (hopefully). XML/XSLT.... [mi]

I have some generated XML (from a php script that builds from a directory and contents)... I used and modified some code to do a transform:

< ?phpbr>
* A class to transform XML through XSLT using PHP4 Sablotron extension

## file extended by Daniel Unterberger (
## changes: some php:eval's added

class xsltTransform

var $xsl_file;
var $xml_file;
var $fileName;

* Constructor to the xsl_transform ticket
* @param $xsl_file The XSLT file containing the transformation info
* @param $xml_file The XML file containing the actual data
* @see readFile()
function xsltTransform($xsl_file = '', $xml_file = '')
if($xsl_file{0} == "/") # this is a relative path, so use the file
$this->xsl_string = "file://".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$xsl_file;
$this->xsl_string = $this->readFile($xsl_file,'php:eval');

if($xml_file{0} == "/") # this is a relative path, so use the file
$this->xml_string = "file://".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$xml_file;
$this->xml_string = $this->readFile($xml_file);


* Function to read through the file
* @param $fileName Which file to read?
function readFile($fileName,$php_eval="")
// get contents of a file into a string
$fd = fopen( $fileName, "r" );
while (!feof ($fd)) {
$content .= fgets($fd, 4096); #?rtrim
fclose( $fd );

## extension by Daniel Unterberger (

while ( $php_eval and ( $pos_start=strpos($content,'') ))
eval( substr($content,$pos_start+10,$pos_end-$pos_start-10) ).

if ($GLOBALS["debug"]=="ON") print "$content";
## see xslt-file for debuggin if you call page.php?debug=ON (remove on life-server)

## end extension

return $content;


* Function to apply the actual transformation
function applyTransformation()
$xh = xslt_create();
# $this->result = '';
$this->result = xslt_process($xh, $this->xml_string, $this->xsl_string);

print ("Transformation failed; Error String:".xslt_error($xh)."; Err #:".xslt_errno($xh)."
print ("XSL:

print ("XML:

return $this->result;

// End of class, do not remove


now the if I generate the XML and save it to the file system, then give the function xsltTransform the actual file path the transform work fine. However, if I read it from the webserver using http:// (where it was generated from) I can print it to the screen.
However, but the call to $this->result = xslt_process($xh, $this->xml_string, $this->xsl_string); in applyTransformation fails indicating that the XML is badly formed (error 4). Any advice from our PHP gurus?
posted by pissfactory to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
xslt_process() is a bit touchy and tries to guess whether you're submitting a string of xml or a path.

What's your input to each function? Can you make reproduce it with a simpler example?
posted by holloway at 3:05 PM on May 26, 2004

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