Where have all the Dashboard stickies gone?
October 23, 2007 6:09 PM   Subscribe

Where have all the Dashboard stickies gone?

Dashboard is misbehaving on my wife's MacBook (OSX 10.4.10). She went into Dashboard with F12 and all of the widgets were missing. I did the following:

Ran Preferential Treatment -- No problems reported
Examined ~/Library/Preferences/widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist with Property List Editor -- The contents of the stickies seem to still be there
Ran Disk Utility off the install DVD to repair permissions and check the file system -- A few permissions were fixed and FS came up clean
Renamed ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dashboard*.plist -- Logged out and logged back in to find Dashboard reset to default widgets, but the contents of Stickies are still missing even if I add the widget.

Is there a way we can fix the Stickies widget at this point without manually re-entering everything?
posted by dereisbaer to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Response by poster: To answer my own question...

I was able to restore all the stickies by the following process:

1) Log into the system with another administrator account
2) Open a terminal and sudo to root
2) Edit /Users/%user%/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dashboard.plist with a text editor (where %user% is the user with the problem)
3) Open /Users/%user%/Library/Preferences/widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist
4) For each key in the stickies plist file you will need to copy the key and paste it into the dashboard plist. To do that you need to copy the xml in the dashboard plist and edit it appropriately. Hopefully this is obvious to you how to do it when you get there.
5) Log out and back in as the user with the missing stickies.
6) Check dashboard.. stickies should have returned.
posted by dereisbaer at 1:56 PM on October 27, 2007

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