Looking for help on how to design a study on consumer attitute to a product
October 21, 2007 8:17 AM   Subscribe

How should i design a study on consumer and retailer attitudes about a product? Anyone knows a framework that would take me through the process?


I am currently applying for a job at a company doing marketing analytics. The position will be as a statistician/data analyst. As a part of the recruitment process they are asking me about how I would design a study to investigate consumer and retailer attitudes to a product. They want me to suggest questions I think are important, how I would conduct the study (survey, internet survey, etc) and how I will do the data analysis (I have a feeling they want to see cluster or factor analysis).

When working with medical studies at university I had great use of this process oriented framework that forced you to get through the process step by step. First determining fields of interest, then variables to be studied, how they should be measured and so forth all the way up to what analysis method to use.

My question is if there is something similar to this for marketing research? Normally I would get a book but since I am on vacation far away from any library it has to be an internet resource.

Any suggestions on blogs, articles or webpages dealing with this type of studies are greatly appreciated.
posted by ilike to Work & Money (1 answer total)
This is a huge subject. I don't want to be a downer, but you may want to reconsider applying if you're having to ask MeFi for help in getting over the first hurdle.
posted by rhizome at 10:11 AM on October 21, 2007

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