Using disseminators in the Fedora Digital Repository Management System (not the Redhat core)
May 15, 2004 7:36 PM   Subscribe

I have question about using disseminators in the Fedora Digital Repository Management System (not the Redhat core) . [MI]

I understand how to create and use disseminators but I don't understand what the disseminators actually do. I'm trying to create a datastream that will transform an xml document into an rss document via an xsl. So...I add the disseminator but where can I actually see the disseminator actually change the information?
posted by Stynxno to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
i know nothing about this, but have been reading the docs just now because it looks very interesting.

my understanding from what i read is that once you implement the disseminator, and define the interface and implementation, the system "knows" about it and so, presumably offers some kind of interface to it.

they include (or at least document) an example disseminator that does some kind of wavelet transform on images. can you see that functionality anywhere in the user interface?

this probably isn't any help, but if you do work out how it works, please post. i'd like to understand too.

what are you using this for? did you see that it has a 2 terabyte limit and stores everything in a single directory? it also appears to be using mysql rather than postgres (or a commercial db). so i'm not sure it's suitable for handling large (> terabyte) databases.
posted by andrew cooke at 4:54 AM on May 16, 2004

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