How long does it take to execute a will?
May 10, 2004 11:09 AM   Subscribe

How long does it take to execute a will. If everyone mentioned in the will signs that they don't object to the will, does it mean that the will is then immediately processed or do 90 days still have to pass?

Not looking for specific legal advice, just general experiences.
posted by drezdn to Law & Government (1 answer total)
IANAL, so I suggest that you take a look at the probate section of There is a lot of non-specific information regarding wills and probate.

In California, at least, probate is a time-consuming process that generally takes between 18 months and three years (and sometimes much longer if the estate is particularly complex or if the will is contested.)
posted by malocchio at 1:03 PM on May 10, 2004

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